Chapter fourteen

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"Moms been looking for you" Richard says staring at me, I couldn't help but blink. "Why?" I asked, does she know i was the reason Alfie died? "Just come" Angel says turning and guiding my brother and sisters away, I looked around before i began walking with them. Why was my mother searching for me? How long had she been searching for me? Question after question running through my head as we walked through broken fences and past noisy neighborhoods. That's when my mothers front yard came into view, and my mothers owners house was burned down. I blinked several times, before turning and looking at Angel "what happened?" "They're stove caught fire and burned the house down, with mothers owners in them." I couldn't help the small whimper that left my muzzle "are they dead?" I took they're silence as a yes "but i am still alive" I turned to see a black boxer walking towards me, the dog was very old, and had a few scars that looked like burns. "I tried saving them" my mother whimpers "there was nothing you could do mother" my sister Abigail says licking my mothers ear. Why was i feeling awkward around my own mother? Maybe it was the fact that I hadn't seen her in years and i was worried about what she might think about me. "Alaska?" I smiled and nodded my head "yes mother" "you've grown so much" she says walking towards me and licking my head. "I haven't seen you since the day that man took you" my mother whimpers looking me over with a small sigh. "Did he hurt you?" She asks me, I sat and looked at her for a minute before saying "no" I didn't want the first encounter with my mother in years to be about a man hurting me. Plus I am no longer living with him so it shouldn't matter anyways. My mother sighed in relief before sitting down and looking at me. "I heard what happened about Alfie, I'm sorry that you had to be apart of that. We've been trying to get him to join peaceful dog pack" my mother started "but everything about Alfie is violent" Angel finished for her. "He took a chunk out of my leg when i tried to reassure him." Richard said lifting his front right leg, I could see the scar "that was our last time trying to get him to join, he was to far gone" Abigail says.
I sighed "I'm sorry you guys had to go through that" I tell them as i sit down and curl my tail around my leg.
"I missed you mother" I say honestly "but i should probably get back to my Alpha. He's probably very worried about me." "Your Alpha?" My mother asks looking concerned. "Don't worry, he's a lot better then Charlie" I reassure her. "I love the pack members, and i may not be a wolf, but they are my family. They took me in when i was at my worst and bettered me into this strong mutt" "your not a mutt" my mother reassures me, I smirked with an eye roll "i wasn't the biggest puppy, Alfie made sure to remind me every day until we were adopted" my mother sighed and nodded her head "Alfie has your fathers violent tendencies" I couldn't help the excitement of hearing about my father, I've never met him. He was a rescue dog that my mother's owners took in, he knocked my mother up and ran away. "What about my father? He's a husky right?" She nodded her head "he was half Rottweiler half husky. His mother was a beautiful husky who fell in love with a Rottweiler who was visiting with his owners." I nodded my head laying down but keeping my eyes on my mother. I wanted to know as much as i could about my father "you said was? Did he die?" I asked curious, she frowned before nodding her head.
"What happened?" I asked hoping i wouldn't hurt her, she sighed and laid down laying her paws a few inches away from mine. "He got ran over" she says laying her head down, I let my ears fall flat against my head "I'm sorry mother" she glanced at me before getting up and licking my ear. "You smell like a wolf" she says smiling at me, I couldn't help the smile that spread a crossed my face. I got up and wrapped my head around my mothers neck giving her a hug.
Everything got silent when we started hearing wolves howling, the whole town was echoing with wolf howls. We heard the neighborhood dogs start barking, and doors being slammed shut. "That's my alpha" I say before howling back, it didn't take long for me to hear paws running towards us.
"Alaska! Are you ok?" Night asked licking me all over my head "you had me worried sick" he tells me before he stops and stares at me. "Where'd you go? Why'd you leave?" He asked staring at me.
I looked around to see my mother laying down admiring the wolves from a far "now i see why you like the wolves so much" Angel says glancing around as well. I smirked "Night this is my mother and siblings" I glanced around as well to see my Alpha as well as other wolves gathering around.

Why was Night so scared of Alaska leaving?
You got to understand a little more about Alaska's past. If you guys have any questions just PM me or comment.
~Author Cass

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