Chapter twenty two

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"They wouldn't let me fight my dog" Charlie's pissed off voice was heard through the house. He was in the kitchen while I was in the living room. "I know! How fucking ridiculous"
I lay next to the broken red couch that had broken beer bottles around it. Charlie stared at me for a second before smiling "that's not a bad idea Matt, see you in two weeks. I have to train this stupid mutt"
I sighed, what did Charlie have in store for me?

"ALASKA!" Nights voice was heard from the entrance of the cave, I shot up off the floor looking around half expecting Charlie to be standing next to me with a whip. "Sorry Night. I must have slept in" he rolled his eyes "clearly" I couldn't help the low growl that left my mouth "let's get this over with" I say rushing past him, obviously we're back to the mean Night.

"Again!" Night shouts for the hundredth time, I've been trying to pin this big grumpy
Wolf for hours and it was already getting dark. "Come in Alaska, you've pinned me before" I couldn't help the loud growl that left my mouth "I know!" I shout pacing back and forth between two trees that were maybe a few feet from each other. "It's stupid!" I growl again still pacing.

"I've fought bears, cougars, pinned you and now all of a sudden I can't? It's making me mad!" I huffed before laying down and laying my head on my front paws. "It's not a big deal" Night says in a soft voice "really? Because you've been yelling at me all day" I growled not bothering to look up at him. "No, I was couching you." I rolled my eyes and stood up "I'm going hunting" was all I said before rushing away from him.
I heard him yell my name a few times but I honestly just wanted to be left alone.

The moon was high in the sky by the time I came home with an owl hanging from my mouth. The minute my paw touched the invisible line to our entrance Night stood up quickly from a dark corner making me scream. "God damn it Night" I growled sitting down and wrapping my tail around my paws "where the hell have you been?" My beating heart from getting scared was still racing as i stood up "I was hunting, like i told you" I snarled. "You better watch your attitude dog" he says back at me.
Night called me a dog, I knew he didn't think of me any differently. I couldn't help the small ping of hurt that hit my heart when he called me a dog, I knew that's what I was but he also knew it hurt me when someone used it as an insult, and that's exactly what he did. Night said the word "dog" as if it was some kind of disgusting creature.
"You know what Night, No" I stood taller then i ever could and growled at him "you can either start being nicer to me or.." "or what?!" He growled loudly making my top lip lift in anger. Fucking asshole is even interrupting me.
"Or you can stay away from me" I say with a snarl and turning around "we share the same cave!" He growled "then why don't you ask Alpha to move you!" I growled back, it didn't occur to me that we were being really loud while other wolves were trying to sleep. "Why don't you fucking move out?!" He growled back, I felt my heart shatter as i glanced up at him and said "stay away from me Night, I mean it." I really did mean it, I didn't want him anywhere near me if he wasn't going to be nice. I didn't walk towards the cave since i didn't want to be near Night, so instead I went near a dark corner and curled up laying my head down. I couldn't sleep with every thought running through my head.
"Night doesn't like you"
"Can i really stay away from Night?"
"Why does Night have to be such a dick?"
I finally drifted off just as the sun was coming up over the mountains, small tears dripped off my muzzle as i closed my eyes.

"Are you ready Mutt?" Charlie says smirking at me, what is this man making me do now? Charlie dragged me into the building I tried so hard not to enter. Everything about the building screamed bad and I could smell a lot of blood. "Come on!" Charlie screamed kicking his horrible boot into my back legs to make me walk. A horrible Yelp came out of my mouth. I walked in slowly and hesitantly hoping I could find some kind of way out of whatever this man was making me do. Of course it didn't work out like that, I'm a dog that has to obey my master or else. "Who wants to go first?" A man over the intercom asks, Charlie seems really excited as he put his hand in the air "I would" he says lifting me, I was almost as big as Charlie's lower half leg. I was walked to a small cage where I was placed in the middle before Charlie walked out. I was hoping I'd go with him as I followed him, but Charlie shut the gate in my face and glared at me. I looked around at all the horrible faces laughing at me, I couldn't help the shaking of my bones. "Alright! Let el Diablo out!" The man over the intercom says, a small metal door opened and in jumped a black wolf. I had to fight Night?

Hey guys, sorry I haven't been updating. I've been really busy. Hope you enjoy this chapter.

~author Cass

The dog that turned wolf Where stories live. Discover now