Chapter Twenty

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I climbed out of the water and walked towards Night who was watching me intently. "I feel better" I assure him "maybe we should rest before heading back" he says with concern laced in his voice. I licked the side of his face trying to take the worry away "are you saying this because your tired or because your worried about me?" I questioned sitting down beside him and wrapping my tail around my leg. The tip of my fluffy tail lays on top of Nights left paw.
"Im pretty tired" he says laying down with the tip of his nose brushing against my tail. "What if the bear comes back?" I asked laying down beside him. "Then we'll have dinner delivered to us" he says with a smirk on his face, Glancing down at his face it was almost like he was forcing the smirk. I licked the top of his head before laying my head on top of Nights back and drifting off to sleep with the smell of Night soothing my worries.

Nights POV:
Truthfully, I wasn't tired at all. I just really wanted to spend time with Alaska outside of the wolf camp. Every time I looked in her direction someone would smirk at me, or I'd hear a stupid comment.

"When's he going to wolf up and claim her?"
"She's going to get pregnant if you keep staring at her like that"
"You know things would move a lot faster if you walked over there and talked to her, instead of sitting here and watching her."

I let a soft growl leave my mouth, the last one was right. I really do need to start treating her better, especially if she thinks I'm horrible.

"I understand that I'm just a dog or whatever Night, but I've been treated like shit most of my life. So if you could not be another person on that list, that'd be great."
I felt nothing but shame in that moment, watching as my sweet Alaska stormed away hurt because of me.

I glanced up to make sure I didn't wake Alaska before laying my head back down on my paws. I liked that she was sleeping peacefully, especially since she has a lot of nightmares keeping her from sleeping.
I felt Alaska lift her head off my back and lay them close to my paws. I decided to lay my head down on the back of her neck and drift off as well.
***the next day, still in Nights POV***

I woke up to Alaska standing up, the smell of a cougar was near. What the hell is with all these predators trying to kill us? Why did I think it was a good idea to bring Alaska with me? I knew it wasn't safe, it's not safe anywhere. I sighed standing up "what are you thinking?"
Was she going to fight the cougar by herself? "The scent smells Familiar" she tells me walking to the entrance. "That's because it's a cougar smell, a cougar we shouldn't go and find" I say with no argument. No way am I letting Alaska go chase down a freaking cougar.
"You know, cougars are actually friendly. I mean, yeah some are not so friendly. I'm friends with a cougar" she ranted on. Friends with a cougar? Is she serious? Cougars don't give a shit about anyone but themselves! They eat what they want and leave the rotting corpse wherever they want. Can't they at least bury the bones?

I stood standing, staring at my parents corpses, that I spent hours following the river, and hours of sniffing. After the fight with Musk I figured I had no reason to stay in the camp with him. We didn't get along, he blamed me. I blame me.
I finally found them, laying underneath a tree, well I found half my my father in the ground. My mother was split between two cougars, ripped apart and being chewed on. Half of my father was in a tree being torn apart by another cougar.

I blinked my eyes expecting to see Alaska still standing there. How long have I been day dreaming? Where the hell is Alaska?!?
I let a loud growl leave my mouth before racing out of the cave. Why can't she just do what she's told?

Alaska's POV:

Night seemed off in his own little world so I decided to go find the cougar. She smelled really familiar to me.
I put my nose in the air and began my trip to find the cougar, what was her name again? Did it start with an 'M'? Or was it an 'L'?
I glanced up at the burning sun that was beating down on my back. My black fur was attracting a lot of heat.
"You've grown since the last time I've seen you" a female voice says from behind me. I turned quickly and looked up at her, it was the mountain lion from when Night was trying to train me to hunt.

"It's me, Leslie" the female mountain lion hops down from her rock ledge. "I remember you, although your name was hazy until just now" I say honestly and walk towards her.
Two little yellow heads popped up from behind the rocks "you had your babies!" I say with excitement.
"They are so adorable" I tell her laying closer to the ground to see them. "Thank you Alaska"
"Alaska? That's my name!" A small female cub jumped up onto the rock next to her mother. "I may or may not have stolen your name" she tells me with a smile. I smiled back at her "it's good to see you again" I tell her just as I caught the scent of Night heading our way. "Oh boy, that's an angry smell" she tells me before wrapping her tail around both of her Cubs.

She wasn't wrong, Night definitely smelled furious.
"Alaska! Why did you wonder off?" Night asked as soon as he saw me. He let a loud growl leave his mouth when he saw Leslie. "I told you, I'm friends with her. Night this is Leslie, Leslie this grumpy wolf is Night" I say with my tongue hanging out of my mouth. I hated when Night was in a bad mood, it always made everything so much harder to deal with. Of course emotions were hard to control, especially anger.

*I updated this chapter as well*
~Author Cass

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