Chapter twenty four

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I blinked my watery eyes a couple times before lifting my head up off the grass, taking a deep breath the scent of Nights instead of grass told me I was laying on him and not the ground. I glanced around realizing Night and I spent the night out in the wood a mile away from our wolf den. I stood up which must of woke Night since he rose up immediately and stared at me, we didn't say anything to each other. I walked towards him a little more to lick his cheek before walking towards the den to eat and check in with Alpha before he went wolves to retrieve us.
I was curious if anything was going to change with me and Night when we got back to the camp? Were we going to tell anyone that we were... what exactly are we? Mates? I mean technically I'm not his mate until he claims me, was him telling me he loves me him claiming me or am i just completely clueless?

I took a deep breath looking at the two small trees that formed the entrance of our camp. "There you two are" Grace a brown wolf says walking towards us and chuckling, Night rolled his eyes before sitting down. "Alpha's been looking for you" Grace says raising her eyebrows at me, I nodded my head and started glancing around ignoring her suspicions. I spotted him talking to Lily a white wolf. I walked towards him instantly catching his attention, he licked Lily's head before walking towards me and Night. Grace smirked before walking away from us.
"I've been looking for you since yesterday. Where have you been?" He asked more towards Night with a glare. "We just went and talked" Night told him with a glare of his own. "It's not safe in the woods past night" Musk reminds him "i trust you Night but Alaska is..." "perfectly fine Alpha. I can handle myself and i know I'm completely safe with Night" I tell him hoping to get him off Nights back. Musk groaned "you kids are going to give me grey hairs" Night chuckled before replying "your already growing grey hair you old fool". They both laughed and started talking about other packs and basically alpha information so I decided to walk over towards the fresh kill pile and grabbed two rabbits knowing Night hadn't eaten either.
I dropped a white rabbit in front of Night and Alpha just before walking towards my den and laying on top of the entrance like i normally do. I ate while i watched the world. I liked watching the trees move from the wind, i liked watching the sunset up here. If i had to choose a safe place this would be it, I'm still scared Charlie will find me and take me back. But lets be honest, he probably moved on to a knew dog that poor bastard. I hopped up quickly, he probably did get another dog. What if that dog is getting beat like i used to be? What if he's hurting another dog right now?

I walked towards Alpha and Night who stopped there conversation to look at me. "The prey pile is getting kind of low so I'm going hunting." I tell them "do you want me.." "I'll be fine" I tell Night before licking his cheek and walking out of the camp. When i could no longer see the camp i began running. I ran passed the small lake that i first came across coming into the wolf pack and straight to the neighborhood. The wooden fence was painted a darker brown.
I walked towards it slowly to see if i could smell a fresh scent from a dog, thankfully i didn't smell any. I turned to leave only to have a rope wrapped around my throat and I was now being dragged away from the forest. My claws only making lines in the dirt as i tried to stop. "Hi Mutt"
The voice was very easy to remember, Charlie was dragging me back to his house, or so i thought. He dragged me to his stupid beat up ring where he proceeded to shove me into his car. I tried to twist and bite his wrist to make him let go but he just kicked me. Panic rushed through my veins, he has me, Charlie has me.
Just as Charlie opened his drivers side door I rushed out knocking him to the ground and making a run for it as fast as I could. Thankfully dogs and potentially faster then humans so I outran him pretty easily. "You stupid mutt!" He shouted throwing his hands through his hair. "You miserable man" I wish i could scream back and have him understand me.
At least i know Charlie doesn't have another dog, at least from what i could tell.
"Hunting huh?" Nights voice rang through my head making me freeze. Oh shit.
Sorry guys, been working a lot.
~author cass

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