Chapter Eight

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"I wouldn't know" I said sitting down. "What are you, some type of cat?" She hissed at me "I'll take that as a yes" I say bringing licking my chest but keeping my eyes on her. "And what are you? A wannabe wolf?" I growled "I'm a dog that just so happened to join a wolf pack. What's so bad about that?" She shrugged "I wouldn't adopt a cat into my pack" she said bringing her paw up to her mouth to lick it clean. "That's because your huge and a house cat is small, it wouldn't fit in with your lion pack it would just be a snack." I deadpanned before looking around, I couldn't see Night anywhere. That's weird, he wouldn't leave without me. I rolled my eyes, of course he would.

"You my friend would be a snack" I looked at her and smiled "aww, you mean I'm good enough to eat?" I say sarcastically, something I learned from Alfie when I was just a pup. She growled at me taking a step forward "oh no, did the dog hurt the kitties feeling?" "I'm a mountain lion!" She hissed with her fur standing up. I shrugged "a mountain lion. Interesting." She rolled her eyes sitting back down "you got quit the attitude for such a dog" I shrugged "yeah, I've heard that before." She laughed, she actually laughed. Is it wrong to make friends with a mountain lion? Especially one that's on our territory? Do we share territories with other animals? I'll have to ask Alpha.
"Are you hunting?" She asked licking her other arm, I shrugged "kind of, I'm being trained by a male wolf from my pack. He seemed to disappear a lot though." I said with an eye roll. "Seems like you have a thing for this wolf" she says with amusement "what I have is respect. A wolf would never go for a dog" "yes, but would a dog go for a wolf?" I stared at her blankly while thinking about it "I would" I say honestly before changing the subject "what are you doing here?" I asked sitting and wrapping my tail around my legs. "I got into a fight with my mate, so I'm just walking around ignoring him the best I can" she says laying down.

"What did you guys fight about?" I asked before laying down as well "I'm pregnant, and ever since he found out he's been watching me like a hawk. I appreciate it of course, but sometimes I just want to be alone to breath. He won't even let me drink water without him watching me." I rolled onto my back letting my legs hang in the air "that sounds super annoying, congrats on the babies" I stuck my tongue out.
"Are you going to have pups?" She asked, I shrugged "maybe one day" she nodded her head "well I better get back before he comes out searching for me, I'm Leslie" she says standing up "I'm Alaska" I introduce myself before standing up as well. "I hope you work it out with your mate" she nodded her head purring "you know, I actually kind of like you." I smiled "your fun to talk to, maybe we'll see each other again one day." She nodded her head before walking away.
I turned and began walking towards camp, I stopped when I smelled a bunny. Deciding to hunt before heading back to camp.

By the time I got back I had three bunny's in my mouth, I dropped them off at the food pile before grabbing one and walking towards the other females in the pack. I laid down next to Teal who was a silver grey female wolf chewing on a leg from a deer. "Hello Alaska" she says looking my way, I smiled at her "hello Teal" "Night's been looking for you" she says licking her lips before taking a bite of her meat. "Says he lost you during your hunting trip" she says with amusement in her voice. "He wouldn't 'lose me' if he would listen to me." I growled, she laughed "what did you do?" I swallowed a bit of my bunny before saying "I tried warning him about a mountain lion, but he wouldn't listen so I went to deal with it myself. She ended up being pregnant and she was really nice." The circle got quiet "you talked with a pregnant mountain lion?" I glanced at Storm who was staring at me with shock. I nodded my head "yeah" Teal started sniffing me "yep, I smell her on you." "And she didn't try to eat you? Just talked to you?" I nodded my head "in the beginning she wondered what dog tasted like" I say laughing "but I guess she liked my attitude because we started talking and had a really nice conversation." I say taking another bit from my bunny.

"Wow, I'm surprised. Mountain lions are vicious cats, they kill anything that's in their way. Including wolves" Teal says
"Yeah, just last year Toby. A male wolf was attacked by a mountain lion and left for dead. Night has a scar on his back from a mountain lion, Alpha ended up killing the lion who attacked his brother." Storm says staring at me.
"I'm sure not every mountain lion is the same. There are some wolves who would probably rip me apart if I stepped on their territory, but you guys took me in. Every animal has a different heart whether they are the same species or not. We're all different in our own ways."
I finished my bunny before picking the bones up and walking away, I dropped the bones off in the bone pile before walking back out of the camp. It had been a while since I bathed myself and licking myself clean was only going to work for so long.

I walked straight to the little pond that wasn't to far from the camp and jumped in, using my tongue to scrub dirt off the places they seemed to be stuck on.
I finally finished and began walking back to the camp before something jumped out in front of me. It was a big brown, way bigger then me, even bigger then a wolf or mountain lion. I tilted my head in confusion and sniffed. It smelled like dirt and dirty underwear mixed together. The large creature started walking towards me growling, seriously what the hell is this?

The dog that turned wolf Where stories live. Discover now