Chapter Thirteen

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"Alaska?" I hear my name yet again, but all i can see is black, there is no light. Just pitch black. My brother who taunted me the first few weeks of my life, who pushed me out of the way of my forever home and allowed some crappy guy to take me, my brother was dead. I couldn't help but think of my mother, poor dog doesn't even know her puppy has died, and that her other puppy was to blame.  "Alaska!" I heard a loud growl, i blinked my eyes open and looked around. Night was no where to be seen, but my alpha was sitting there staring at me with concern. How did we get home? Where's Night?. I sighed and looked at Alpha before bowing my head letting him know that i was listening. "Thank god, we thought you were brain dead" a female wolf says looking at me, I didn't know who she was, but i sure as hell didn't like the tone in her voice when she said it. "Nope, I'm fine" I say staring at her, she shook her head and walked away. I looked around but didn't recognize anything "where are we?" I asked. I had assumed we were home because the Alpha was here, but maybe Alpha came to us? I stood up and shook the lose dirt from my fur "still at the northern pack" i nodded my head and looked around. I wasn't sure what i was looking for, not until i saw a black wolf walk into the camp. I felt happier all of a sudden, but I was also disappointed when it turned out not to be Night. I sighed and looked at Alpha who had a smirk on his face "looking for Night?" I shrugged, It's not like me and Night could work out. I'm a dog, a dog that had to be taught to be potty trained by my mothers owners, a dog who was once owned and tamed by a human. What would Night, a wolf and a wild animal, who has never been owned or beaten by any humans want from a dog like me? "He went hunting, we leave back to camp when he gets back" Alpha interrupted my thoughts, he looked at me the same way he did when he first saw me "he feels bad about killing that dog, well your brother and.." "he wasn't my brother, just some dog i knew." I say before walking away.
I hated being pitied, that's all i ever will be though. A dog who was beaten, a dog who is weak, a dog.
I wasn't sure where i was going, but i knew i shouldn't go to far since we were leaving when Night got back from hunting. Maybe i could go hunting too, let off some steam.
I let my nose lift up into the air to start smelling anything that would be challenging, I didn't want to hunt a rabbit even if that would be easier. I wanted a challenge, I wanted to let all my frustration out in this one hunt. Maybe if i brought something huge back everyone would stop looking at me like some weak puppy. I mean yeah i fought a bear, but that was once and out of pure luck. I needed to show them that i could act like a wolf, even if i wasn't one.
I started my walk through the woods sniffing every tree, bush, or leaf that was on the ground. I couldn't find much, which sucked since I wasn't sure if Night had came back from his hunt or not. Maybe I should just head back and hunt at home.
I turned slightly and went nose to nose with a black wolf, I jumped back letting a scared growl out of my mouth, when i looked at the wolf again i realized he wasn't a wolf but a dog.
A familiar dog at that "hello Alaska" there stood another one of my brothers, and behind him was three of my sisters. "We need to talk" my sister Angel says staring at me.

Why is Alaska's family coming back now?
What do they need to talk about?
Sorry this chapter is short.
~Cassie Mae

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