Chapter one

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"Get out of the kitchen you dumb bitch!" My male human screamed at me, I was only looking for food because he had forgotten to feed me for the third time in a row. I whimpered when he smacked my muzzle and I ran away with my tail between my legs. I was a black colored Boxer breed type with a hint of husky. My tail was really fluffy and my ears were pointy like a husky. Other then that my body was shaped like a boxer like my mom.

I decided to scratch at the back door and bark which only lead to him to scream "shut the fuck up mutt!" Of course I continued to scratch, I had to pee and I was hungry. He opened the door with a "get the fuck out then!" And slammed the door shut. I huffed and began looking around for some food, I could hear and feel my stomach growling at me.
I felt satisfied when I found a rotten cheeseburger that had fallen out of a bag from the over filled giant trash can. It tasted horrible but it was good enough to satisfy my hungry stomach. I went back to the back door and started scratching at it, but there was no answer. I sat there scratching for a while before I could feel tiny drops of water falling on me from the sky, I looked around hoping to find a place to hide from the falling water but I found no such luck in the backyard where I was forced to stay. The fence was too tall for me to try and climb without getting hurt. I laid on the concrete steps by the door and fell asleep with the rain pouring on me. I whined and tried scratching at the door every once in a while but gave up after the sun started to come up and the rain finally stopped. My fur was still wet and clinging to my body which was very uncomfortable. I shook as much water off as I could but my fur was still soaking wet.

Charlie, my male human let me in rubbing his eyes, I could smell the weed and the alcohol coming off of him. I shook my head and went and laid down next to the heater. I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

I awoke with my male human stepping on my tail causing me to jump up and yelp, I could tell he didn't mean to. He started cussing as he shooed me away as if it was my fault that he stepped on me. "Get out!" He screamed opening the back door, I whined but I did as I was told, he hit me with his hat as I was walking out.

I looked around the naked backyard whining for food. I drank water from a dirty puddle in the backyard before pacing back and forth, I was really bored and often wondered what it was like outside of this backyard. This backyard was all I knew since I was a few months old.
Then a thought jumped in my head, if he wasn't going to love me like he was supposed to, i was going to find someone who would. Of course that thought had entered my mind several times but the thought of Charlie seeing me was a bad thought.

I began digging underneath the fence fast, I didn't want him to see me digging, and I definitely didn't want him to beat me. Finally crawling underneath the boarded fence that scratched most of the mud off my back, I sat face to face with a forest. I could see the trees over the fence but I never realized it was an actual forest. I thought it was just trees. I got super excited and started running past tree after tree.
I stopped when my nose caught the scent of a rotten corpse of a deer, my nose kept leading me towards it.
My stomach vibrated as an awful growl left it, I decided to eat whatever was left of the deer. There wasn't much left, although I ate more than I normally had in three days.
I walked a little further into the woods and stopped at a little pond, I drank as much water as my little body would let me before laying down and closing my eyes.

I woke to footsteps coming near me, I hopped up quickly and got ready to defend myself. I've never left the fence so I didn't know the dangers that awaited me. I knew I wasn't much, but I didn't want to just die here.
"Well, well, well, looks like someone let their dog out." A huge dog barked at me, I growled showing my canines, there was no way i could fight a dog that big. In fact, what the hell was he? He looked like a dog, but he didn't smell like a dog and he's definitely to tall to be a normal dog. Maybe this was what wild dogs smelled like? "What are you?" I asked.

Three other huge dogs jumped from behind him and started growling at me, I couldn't help the whimper that left my mouth as I bowed my head. "We're wolves" a female said with a snarl.
"Should we bring her to the alpha?" One male said he seemed younger than the other wolves. I knew that the alpha was the boss, I only knew that because Charlie would sometimes call himself the alpha while he beat me.

"Yeah, we should just let the alpha deal with her" the brown wolf growled in disgust at me, I whined as I followed them I knew I was going to die. Alphas were never nice. They showed their dominance by beating their dogs or in their case wolves. At least in my experience.

I was shocked when I didn't see houses, but rocks with holes in them leading to places where the wolves slept. I think they called them caves. "Alpha" I heard all three wolves say in unison and bow down to a huge wolf which confused me even more. "I don't see the alpha" I say looking for a human. I heard a few growls which made me put my tail between my legs with a whimper "I am the alpha" the huge black wolf says with amusement. He didn't seem mad, which confused me. "But you're not a human" I say confused and tilting my head, he tilted his head "how old are you?" He asked. I shrugged "I'm a year old" I say honestly as I sat wrapping my tail around my legs. "You seem very tiny for your age dog. What's your name?" I blinked at him. "Charlie calls me mutt or stupid bitch" i heard a growl leave his mouth which made me duck my head low as everyone else growled with him. "When's the last time you ate?" He asked I was confused, why wasn't he just killing me like everybody said he would "about five hours ago, I ate a little bit off a dead deer I found not too far away from the pond I was resting at." I say he nodded his head.
"You're very skinny, are you still hungry?" He asked again, I shook my head. Honestly i wasn't hungry "no, I only get to eat once a day"
He seemed displeased as I heard more growls from behind me making me duck my head again. "Unless you want me to" i say without looking him in the eyes "it's not up to me whether you eat or not, that is up to you. Are you hungry?" He asked again and I shook my head "no" he nodded his head.
"Do you know what type of dog you are?" He asked again, I thought about it "my mother was a boxer and my father was a Siberian husky." He nodded his head pleased.

"What do you want your name to be?" He asked, what do I want my name to be? I shrugged "I don't know, maybe sky? Or maybe Alaska?" I asked. He shrugged "which one?" I shrugged again "my mother used to called me Alaska." He nodded his head with a small smile "then your name shall be Alaska" did I just join a wolf gang?
I smiled "thank you alpha" I say bowing my head like the wolves have done. Although i was confused, would i still call him my alpha even though I'm not a wolf? "What's on your mind Lobito?" Alpha asked, I shrugged and said "I would still call you alpha even though I'm a dog right?" He smirked and nodded his head "yes, I'm Alpha Musk"
I looked around realizing other wolves were gathering around, Alpha just stared at me while I looked around. I stopped and stared at a tree realizing every detail "you act like you've never seen a tree before" one wolf said, I shrugged "we didn't have trees in the backyard where i stayed. Or anything at all. It was just dirt, Charlie always threw me up outside when I made him mad. It wasn't fun laying in mud" I say with a small whine.
"He would leave you outside in the rain?" Alpha asked, I nodded my head "did you have any shelter?" I shook my head "no, I just had to lay there and deal with it. Nothing I could really do." He nodded his head. It was really nice to actually talk about it, and to actually talk to someone who wasn't screaming at me.

"Follow me, I'll show you where you may sleep" Alpha says turning towards a cave. I heard a few whispers from behind me but shook it off. I was new, I was bound to be talked about.
Of course I followed him, the cave was very unique.
"You may rest in the corner over there, tomorrow i will take you out to show you around." Alpha says, I nodded my head and curled up in the corner.

The dog that turned wolf Where stories live. Discover now