Chapter twenty three

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"Night? What are you doing here?" My voice didn't sound young, it sounded as if it was present. This isn't a dream from the past, this is a nightmare that hasn't happened. "I'm el Diablo dog." Night says growling and launching towards me. He bit down on the back of my neck throwing me around.

"Alaska?" Alpha musks voice was heard from in front of me, I blinked my eyes a couple times realizing it was the middle of the day. "Everything ok?" He asks sitting down next to me, I nodded my head sitting up and wrapping my tail around my front paws "what's going on?" He asks when I stopped moving. "Just the normal" I say with a sigh. Alpha nodded his head and came closer to me placing his muzzle on the back of my neck. "Want to talk about it?" He asks, his hot breath hitting the back of my neck. "I had a nightmare that Charlie brought me to a fighting ring and Night was the wolf I had to fight" I hated feeling sad about a dream. Especially a dream that was obviously not even true "I heard you fighting last night"
"Everyone heard you fighting last night" Silver says with slight annoyance in her voice as she walked by. I couldn't help the embarrassment that clouded my Vision.
"Sorry, Night was getting on my nerves" I say jokingly even though it was the truth. She laughed stopping in her tracks and glancing back at me "clearly" she says with a hint of joking and a hint of annoyance.
"Silver, don't you have an assignment I gave you?" Alpha asked glaring at her. "Yes Alpha" she smirked and walked away. "You were saying?" He says glancing back at me "I was trapped in a cage with him, I asked him what he was doing and he told me he didn't know any dogs." Alpha nodded his head as I continued "but before I had to fight him I woke up" I say relieved. I know it was just a dream, but thinking Night could be violent towards me hurt. A lot.

Alpha licked the top of my head just as a loud growl was heard through the entire camp. We both shot our heads towards Night who was angrily walking towards us. "Here we go" Alpha said with... humor? "What did you do?" I whispered glancing up at him. "I licked the top of your head." I couldn't help being confused. Why does it matter if Alpha licked the top of my head? Night stopped directly in front of both of us and growled at Alpha again.
"Do. not. touch. her." Night growled out each word. "He just licked the top of...." "stay out of it Alaska!" Night barked causing the back of my hair to stand up. "You know what, fuck you Night. You made it very clear I was JUST a dog to you." I growled, his eyes turned towards me with anger and... hurt? I hate being clueless.
"Whether I'm a dog or a wolf, I belong to no one. Who touches me is my decision and my decision alone" I growled before pushing past him. Fucking asshole.
Seriously, what is his problem?

I decided to go for a hunt to blow off the anger that was boiling inside me, who was Night to tell Alpha not to touch me? All he did was lick the top of my head, why is that such a problem?
I walked around the forest not caring whether something heard me or not, so maybe I wasn't hunting just walking around the forest. That was until a smell caught my attention, or should I say Nights scent. "What do you want Night? To yell at me? Tell me what to do? Be a dick to me? Cause I'm really, really not in the mood" I turned to see he was sitting down with his ears flat against his head. "I'm sorry" he says still not looking at me "I don't mean to be territorial, it's just really hard not to be with you." Night looks up at me with watery eyes "I love you Alaska, and I'm fucking terrified your going to get hurt or reject me."
"He what?"
"Night loves me?"
"Am I dreaming?"
Thought after though came rushing through my brain as a stupid smile made its way on my face. "Then why have you been so rude to me?" I asked trying not to smile even though it was obviously since my tail was wagging. I decided to sit down on my tail and look up at him "at first I wanted you to hate me, I knew I was going to be alpha after Musk passed or stepped down. It was past down through family or to the wolf the alpha has chosen." He sighed walking closer to me and sitting back down "being Alpha comes with a lot of enemies and if you got hurt because of me I'd never forgive myself" Night glanced at the ground "Musk had a mate" he tells me catching me completely off guard. "He did?" I asked getting hurt by the word "had", Night nodded his head glancing up at me.

"Her name was Julia, she was a beautiful grey wolf with a temper just like Musk" Night says with a laugh and sadness. "Musk got into a fight with the northern wolf packs alpha about territory. The northern wolves wanted more, they wanted our territory or at least some of it. Musk obviously told them no. They didn't do anything for a while until Julia went hunting one day and never came back" he sighed looking at the ground. "Musk and I found her torn apart three miles from our camp. After that Musk was broken, he was a total dick and everyone allowed him to be because he just lost his mate. I started getting fed up with it after a while which led to us fighting and me leaving" I walked closer to Night to where our sides were touching and laid my head on the back of his neck. "I told Musk to stop being a dick over Julia and me saying her name pissed him off. We got into a fight and I won, I didn't want to take over as Alpha and I didn't want to take the last thing my brother had. So I left." Night said taking a deep breath, I sighed before licking the back of his neck "I love you Night".

OMG FINALLY!!! They confessed they're love to each other.
I hope you guys likes this chapter.
~Author Cass

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