Chapter Ten

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A week past and my cuts had scabbed over, another week and they would be scars. "Alaska!" I heard Alpha yell to me, I jolted from my favorite sunny spot and ran towards him "yes Alpha?" I ask sitting down with my tail wrapped around my legs "I have a mission for you" i blinked at him, a mission? What mission?
"A wolf from the northern pack five miles from here came to pay us a visit today, told us that there are tons of dogs attacking their pack"
"Dogs attacking wolves? Like a dog pack?" i asked confused "why are they attacking the wolf pack?" He shrugged "I don't know, that's what you need to find out. Many of the packs have found out I let a dog join my pack, that's why they sent a wolf over. They want you to talk to the dogs" I took a deep breath "I can try"
He smiled "that's all I ask. Night will go with you to make sure your safe." I choked looking Alpha in the eyes "Night? He's coming?" I ask, he laughed nodding his head "yes" "ahh man, he's gonna be a grumpy pup the whole way there" I sighed walking towards the cave "you leave in an hour!" Alpha shouted.

I tore the leg of a deer before going and laying down in the sun to eat, I had gained a healthy amount of weight. I was glad that I could finally start training like a real wolf, not some fragile pup who was starved and beaten.
"Ready?" I jumped at the sound of Night's voice "god are you trying to give me a heart attack?" I growled. Night laughed before laying down "you can finish eating" he says laying his head down. I nodded my head and tore the last few bites of the deer off the leg before moving the bone to the bone pile.
"Ready" I tell Night who was waiting patiently at the entrance. "So why do you think the dogs are attacking the wolves?" I asked. Night shrugged his shoulders and continued walking. "How long will it take to get to the northern pack?" He shrugged again, I rolled my eyes "well this is going to be a fun adventure" I growled before running ahead of him. We just barely started walking and Night was already pissing me off, Grumpy pup.

Night stayed behind me as we continued walking, we had been walking for at least an hour if not longer. "Still mad?" Night asked me as he walked to the side of me "still being grumpy?" I asked with an eye roll, he laughed shaking his head "I'm not being grumpy" "you were an hour ago" "why because I didn't say anything?" I growled, I hate that he's making it seem like I'm the moody one.
"Don't you dare try making it seem like I'm the moody one Night" I growled with my fur raising on the back of my neck. "Ok, I'm sorry." He mumbled something under his breath that sounded like "you are a little moody" I rolled my eyes.

Another hour went by and it was starting to get dark "we'll camp here tonight, if we leave early in the morning we'll get to the northern pack by sun high" Night told me as he laid down. We had already hunted for the night so we weren't hungry.
I curled up in a ball and laid my head down on my front paws, I slowly drifted off to sleep.

"Your useless ass can sleep outside tonight, you pathetic dog!" Charlie screamed, I whimpered as he threw his steal toed boot at me "please stop" I whimper as he grabbed the back of my neck and began dragging me towards the back door. I yelped when he used his foot to literally kick me out.

"Hey, it's ok" I heard a soft voice, I felt someone lay down next to me and start licking the top of my head. I was to tired to open my eyes to see who it was, I drifted back to sleep.

"Alaska, time to go" Night says nudging my head to wake me, I groaned blinking my eyes open "do i have to?" I twisted onto my back sticking my legs up in the air with my tongue hanging out. Night shook his head laughing "come on, we're already running late" I huffed before finally getting up and following Night.

"You must be Alaska?" The Northern Alpha, Alpha Kale, said the minute we walked through the entrance. I nodded my head "do you have any idea where these dogs are?" I asked, they shrugged "they always run out of the forest when they get out numbered, we've killed maybe three dogs and one of our own has been killed.
I heard whimpers around the camp, I nodded my head "take me to were they disappear and I'll take it from there" I say.

I huge male brown wolf walked towards me and raised an eyebrow at me "I can take you" he says with a purr, Night growled moving closer to my side. I tapped his side with my tail so he'd turn his head towards me, when his eyes met mine I raised my Eyebrows before mouthing the words 'calm down' he huffed "let's get a move on then" Night growled at him. I rolled my eyes, everyone in the pack laughed at Night's reaction, it was almost like he was jealous?
I shook the thought from my brain and followed the brown wolf and Night, it only took us ten minutes to get to the spot. "They always run off that way" he tells me, I nodded my head and began sniffing around. I walked to the edge of the forest where a road sat with a car driving past, the sun was melting the black rubber that was on the road causing an awful smell.
I continued sniffing around until a familiar scent caught my attention.
"No it can't be" I whisper sniffing again to make sure it was really him
"What is it?" Night asked concerned, I turned and stared at him with a frown

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