Chapter Sixteen

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"Are you going to ignore me the whole way back?" Night asked walking silently behind me, funny how the tables have turned. "You'd have to try to talk to me in order for me to ignore you" I say matter of factly. I heard a small scoff come from behind me. What the hell was his problem? He's the one that was ignoring me and now that I'm not trying to talk to him, I'm ignoring him? I stopped in my tracks and turned around. Night had to roughly stop so he wouldn't run into me. "Talk" I say curling my tail around my legs, he just blinked at me "about?" He asked.  I glared at him "you wanted to talk, let's talk" he didn't say anything. What the hell? Now all of a sudden he doesn't want to talk?
I stood back up and started walking back, a Sigh was heard behind me but i kept walking. There was no point in trying to strike a conversation with night. Neither one of us knew what to say, and honestly I enjoyed the silence. It gave me time to think about everything.
It gave me time to think about killing Alfie, gave me time to think about my mother, think about Night, Think about Charlie.

Getting back to the cave we both laid down, If Night was going to be the next Alpha why didn't he have his own cave? Why was he stuck with me?

"You stupid little mutt!" Charlie screamed throwing his half empty beer bottle at me, I yelped when it smashed against my head. "Get out of my sight!" He yelled again throwing a boot at me. I had chewed up his "favorite" shoe, It wasn't my fault he didn't give me any toys. My grown teeth were coming out they were hurting pretty miserably.

"Alaska?" A soft voice woke me gently, I shot up looking around. It was just Night and I in the cave. I sighed shaking the lose dirt from my fur "I'm going hunting" I say without looking at him. I didn't wait to hear his response before dashing out of the cave.
By Dusk i had caught 5 rabbits and 2 badgers. it was a little difficult to carry it all back but i managed. I got a few greeting from other pack members before picking a rabbit and laying down in the sun. "Can we talk?" I heard a voice behind me, I turned to see Grace laying down next to me with a rabbit as well. "What's going on between you and Night?" I shrugged "what do you mean?" She stared at me blankly before saying "the way he's always watching you, how he asked to stay in the cave with you, why he always travels with you. I'm just curious." She says with a smirk.
I couldn't help the small laugh that left my mouth "Grace, I'm a dog, a Mutt which is even worse. There is nothing going on between Night and I. I don't know why he stares at me, I never see him."
We sat in silence for a minute before something finally processed "he asked to stay in the cave with me?" Again she Smirked "yep, clearly your not just a dog to him" she says before hopping up and running away, passed a Black wolf. Night.
He was sitting on a rock talking with his brother, but his eyes kept glancing over at me.
I sighed before picking the bones of the rabbit up and walking it over to the bone pile. I turned to glance at Night who was staring at me, his head jerked towards his brother telling me he didn't want to get caught. Sucks for him.
I decided to walk back to the cave and take a nap, I was exhausted after hunting.

"Alaska!" I heard my mother's voice, her soft motherly voice. I ran back over to her jumping into her chest several times, she began washing me with her tongue. "What happened to your fur?" She asked, my smile dulled a bit. Alfie wouldn't stop picking me up and dropping me on the ground. It sucked being the mutt. Alfie was so much bigger then me, and he never let me forget it. "Alfie kept picking me up and dropping me" I say sadly.
She sighed shaking her head "I don't know what I'm going to do with that pup" she says. I nodded my head before laying it on my paws and waiting for my bath to be over.

"Alaska?" I felt someone nudge my head gently. I slowly opened my eyes before lifting my head up and looking at alpha.
"Alpha?" I jumped up waking completely up. "I'm sorry alpha, I was just super tired. I didn't mean to sleep so...." "your not in trouble" he says stopping my ramble. "I need your help"

Sorry I haven't been posting a lot lately! I've been so busy with work and family stuff.
~Author Cass

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