Chapter five

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I fell to the ground with a loud thud hitting my back hard onto the ground. I felt the wind get knocked out of me, Night came walking over with an agitated look. We've been training for an hour and i still hadn't been able to pin him, not even once. I sighed standing back up "again" he says walking away from me. I couldn't help but feel anger raise, I should be able to at least knock him down. Yes I'm skinny, yes I'm weak but i didn't think i was that weak.
I dug my nails into the ground crouching down to the ground, he was still walking back to his place so i used that as my advantage. I ran full speed at him as silently as I could before jumping on him and grabbing a hold of the back of his neck, he fell to the ground with a huff. I got off him and smiled, I actually knocked Night down. I looked down at his face and stopped my victory smile when i noticed he was really mad, I sat down drooping my head down "you get mad when i don't knock you down and now your mad that I did knock you down." I sighed.

He shook the dirt from his fur before sitting down "I'm not mad" is all he said before he walked back to his place and said "again!" I got up before crouching down staring at him. I watched his every move, he lunged at me, in that second i jumped out of the back. I twisted my body and grabbed a hold of his neck trying to pull him to the ground, he shook me off before knocking me to the ground.
I sighed "don't feel bad, not many wolves can knock me down" he says before going back to his position. I looked at him for a minute examining him, his black fur glistened in the sun. He was probably really hot, I know on a hot summer day my black fur gets really hot.
I crouched down and growled, he seemed amused which only pissed me off, I hated that I was embarrassing myself in front of him and that he was laughing about it. He lunged at me, instead of jumping out of the way I jumped up and caught him by the front of the throat and chomped down before slamming him down on the ground.
A small yelp left his mouth, I immediately let go and backed away "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" I repeated looking down at the ground. I wanted to knock him down, not hurt him. He was probably going to rip me apart now, I felt him going near me which made me flinch "I'm not going to hurt you" he says in a whisper.

"But i hurt you" I say feeling ashamed "that's apart of training, you did good. Let's go hunt before we head back" he says walking past me. I stood up and followed him.

We searched for a long time but couldn't find much, we started heading back until a weird, yet delicious scent caught my attention. I turned quickly and found a little creature with giant back paws and long ears, I crouched and started walking towards it. The creature started looking around but then went back to nibbling on some grass, I jumped up and landed right on it snapping it's neck in my jaw. I lifted it up and looked at night who was at least a mile away from me, I guess he didn't see me stop.
He started looking around, his eyes landed on me but dropped down to the bunny. He smiled pleased "did you catch that?" He asked sniffing it. I nodded my head "yeah, what is it anyways?" He laughed shaking his head "that's a bunny".

We continued our journey back to the caves, Alpha walked right up to me and examined me. "You don't seem hurt, good" he looked at Night who was rolling his eyes "I told you i wouldn't hurt her."
"I caught a bunny!" I said excitedly drawing Alpha's attention away from Night, Alpha looked at me amused "that's excellent news, you can go eat it in the cave" he says in a proud voice. I smiled and walked to the cave with the bunny dangling from my mouth, I ate half the bunny before laying my head down and sleeping. I figured I'd eat the rest when I woke up.

"Shut the fuck up!" Charlie screamed for the second time as I barked at the suspicious man putting white papers in our mailbox. "But Charlie!" I tried to communicate with him, that only lead to him smacking me a crossed the face "shut. Up." He says through gritted teeth. I sighed walking to the side of the living room and laying down against the wall so I'd be out of the way.
"Useless dog" he spat walking into the kitchen, I couldn't help the tiny tears that left my eyes. I missed my mom, I missed the humans that took care of me.
I closed my eyes and dreamed of my mother's warmth, how she always cuddled with me. How she nursed me.
"Wake up!" Charlie screamed kicking me in the side "Lazy fucking dog!"
"Wake up!" He screamed again.

I jolted awake looking around, Night was standing over me watching me "bad dream?" He asked sitting down. I shrugged "bad memory" I say grabbing the bunny that was still next to me, I began eating while Night walked to his side of the Cave. He laid down keeping his eyes on me while I ate the bunny.
"Was it about your Abusive Human?" He asked almost with anger, was he mad at me? I nodded my head hoping not to anger him anymore. I finished the bunny and picked up the bones walking out of the cave, I walked to the bone pile and laid them down. I began walking back to the cave but stopped when I saw the moon, I had seen it every night. I asked the moon every night to bring me a loving family, the moon answered. My family may not be humans, but they love me and they treat me like one of them. "Thank you moon" I say bowing my head and walking back to the cave.
Night was sleeping when I got back so I laid down and fell asleep myself.

The dog that turned wolf Where stories live. Discover now