Chapter Seventeen

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"I need your help"
Alpha Musk needs my help? What could he possibly need my help for?
Were the dogs acting up again? Not that I helped that much when they did the last time.
"Yes alpha?" I sat curling my tail around my legs. "I need you to keep an eye on Night" he says. "What for?" I asked way to quickly, I cleared my throat before saying "Sorry" I say lowering my ears and looking at the ground. Alpha Musks chuckle was heard through the cave "Night will be traveling to a moon stone, he will have to fall asleep on said moonstone and he will face all of his fears. The moonstone prepares us for the alpha rule." Alpha explained to me as he walked me to the very dark entrance. The moon was very hidden behind trees and the ground was just pitch black. We could see in the dark, but not very well. Everything was grey and shady.

Alpha stopped right in the middle of the two trees that mark our entrance. "Does Night know I'm coming?" I asked quietly "yes" I sighed and sat down. "Bet he wasn't to happy about it" I say with a small yawn. "He didn't seem to mind" Alpha said with a smirk. I turned my head to the side obviously confused "hush!" Nights rough growl rang through the camp. I wasn't sure if he was talking to me or his brother. "My bad baby bro, but I just think.." Night growled again, loud. "If I want her to know, I'll tell her myself!" He growled. I sat awkwardly watching as some leaves moved by the wind. I felt they're eyes on me but I didn't want it to seem like I heard what they said. Even though I clearly did. What the hell were they talking about? Why is Night so secretive around me? I mentally growled before looking at Night.
"Ready?" Night says not looking at me, great, now he's in a bad mood. Again. I rolled my eyes "here we go" I say quietly. Alpha heard me obviously cause he snickered.

"So are you going to tell me about it?" I asked what has been on my mind the past half hour that we have been walking in silence. "Nope" was all he said. I rolled my eyes with a small scoff, sometimes I really just wanted to rip his throat out.
"We have another 2 and a half hours, so if you could not be annoying the whole way that'd be awesome." Night says with a serious tone, I couldn't help the small growl that left my mouth. "Sure, I'm the annoying one" was all I said as I rushed past him and brushed my tail against his nose making him sneeze. Asshole.

I've been in front of Night for an hour and a half, I hadn't said anything. Not even when Night tried to talk to me. "Ok, stop" Night says sitting down. He seemed irritated, but so am I.
"Didn't I tell you not to be annoying the whole way?" Night says agitated. I turned fiercely coming muzzle to muzzle with him, my top lip was standing tall showing my sharp canines. "The only one being annoying is you!" I growled. "Your up and down all day long, and don't even get me started on how ignorant you are" I huffed out.
Night was now sitting quietly, just staring at me.

"I'm not that ignorant to you" was the first thing that came out of his mouth after the long five minutes of silence. "Seriously?" I asked clenching my jaws together to stop the tingling feeling in my teeth telling me to snap his neck and tear him to shreds. "How am I ignorant?" He asked with a smirk, I growled standing up closer to him "you know exactly how, stop fucking playing games!" I barked before harshly turning around and proceeding to walk. Well started to, I turned back around "I understand that I'm just a dog or whatever Night, but I've been treated like shit most
of my life. So if you could not be another person on the list of people who have hurt me, that'd be great." I say staring deep into his blue eyes. They held regret and sadness. Maybe a little shame.

We walked the rest of the way to the moonstone in silence. "Alright, when we get in there we have to be super quiet. It's a very sacred place." He tells me before walking through a huge hole that was in the side of the mountain covered with vines.
It was such a beautiful place, there was a waterfall in the far corner that was spilled into a large puddle underneath it.
Sand was placed neatly around the rocks that surrounded the large puddle, beautiful fish were swimming around in the water. They were orange? Maybe yellow?

On the other side of the cave were painting of mammoths and men fighting with large sticks with a shared rock at the end of each stick. I turned to look at Night who was laying on a smooth looking black rock that was in the middle of the cave. Night had his eyes on me the whole time. Am I crazy?
The whole place seemed to be lit up by the smooth black moonstone. Almost as if it was touched by Magic.
"I'll be asleep for two hours possibly longer, stay in the cave and don't move. If anything happens, wake me." Night says quietly but serious. I nodded my head and laid down next to the waterfall and decided I'd take a nap as well.

Hope you guys enjoy it!
~Author Cass

The dog that turned wolf Where stories live. Discover now