Chapter twenty seven

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I stayed by the bush as I watched Night crawl up towards the fence, he hopped the fence like it was nothing making my anxiety build up. Why did he hop into the fence? Couldn't he just sniff around? The longer he took the more my anxiety built up before i finally just walked over. "Night?" I whispered hoping he would answer, he didn't. The hole i had dug was to small for me now so i started digging the hole bigger. What if Charlie got him? He would definitely make Night fight not that Night wouldn't eat Charlie. Night would be a perfect fighting dog for Charlie which worry's me, the more i dug the more panic rushed through me.

"What are you doing?" Night asked causing me to jump and bump my head against the fence "crap, my bad" he says walking towards me and licking my head. "Didn't I tell you to stay in the bushes?" He says shaking his head as if he knew i wasn't going to listen anyways. "I would have listened if you didn't take so long" I say rolling my eyes now that my anxiety was slowly drifting down. "He's gone, doesn't live there anymore" i blinked "it's only been a week, how could he just move?" I asked sighing, Night shrugged "his scent was there but very faint, and all his stuff is still there." I nodded my head "sounds like he's on vacation maybe" Night shrugged "I'll have someone else come and check on it every other day to make sure" he tells me before guiding me back into the forest.

Finally getting me back home after Night would run ahead to check the surroundings before rushing back to me even though I'd feel safer having him next to me the whole time. He promises he doesn't go far which I believe.
I laid down in our cave and took a nap as I always do and Night came and curled right next to me, I don't think he slept but he was near me.
The rabbit being set next to me by Night woke me from my nap. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you" he says sitting down, the smirk on his face told me that was a lie. I rolled my eyes before standing up with a yawn "yes you did" I say with a smirk right back. I brushed my bushy tail against his nose making him sneeze as I grabbed the rabbit and walked out of the cave.

My pups were hungry, the constant feeling of the pups rough housing in my stomach told me that. The rabbit was quick but filling, it definitely quiet the pups up. Night walked over nudging my stomach "they're getting bigger" he tells me with adoration in his eyes as he stared at his pups through my fur.
"I cant wait to teach them how to hunt" he tells me just as his tongue swiped over my ear, I smiled at the thought of Night teaching our pups how to hunt, being able to see my pups for the first time. Touch them from the outside and see into they're beautiful eyes. The thought of my mother ran through my head and i was excited to see her again, its been at least a month since the last time I've seen her.
"Night, we're still going to see my mother in two days right?" I asked with hopefulness, I was excited to see my mother again. He sighed before sitting down, the excitement i felt was now slowly draining out of my eyes as i looked at Night. "Maybe i can go get her and bring her here? I just don't want to take you to far from the den" he explains, I understand with me being pregnant and everything. "I was hoping to get out and see the beautiful scenery" I explain "not to mention you'll be there to protect me" I say with a smile and a lick to the side of his muzzle. "What if I'm not enough to protect you guys?" He says with fear in his eyes, I sat next to him leaning my head into his neck "everything will be fine Night, we're only going a few hours away and..." "and out of our territory" he says interrupting me. I sighed keeping my head in his neck "we've done it before" I remind him "you weren't expecting pups" he says sighing more. "I have a few more months before I'm expecting pups, I look bigger but i am still capable Night." I say standing up "I want to walk and see my mother, nothing will happen" I try to reason with him. He sighed knowing he was't going to win this argument before nodding his head. "I want Mud to come with us" he says. I nodded my head "alright, if it'll make you feel better Mud can come with" I say getting excited again.

What is night so worried about?
What will happen when Alaska see's her mother again?

~Author Cass

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