Chapter 15: Sonny

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*Tris Pov*

These past few days I have been going to school, come home, eat, sleep. Today is Saturday. The best day of the week. I get to sleep in, eat, and just relax. Today my mom is cleaning up and making a huge Dinner, Why? I don't know. 

She invited all of my friends and a couple of neighbors and the gang's parents. We have a pretty big house. Right now it is twelve in the afternoon and I am submerged under my covers with the blinds closed and my door shut. I can smell the amazing food but I am too lazy to actually get up. I am half sleep right now. 

"Hey girly." I whisper to my baby girl, she kicks in response. "I have been thinking of names for you. So far I have Drita" I say and wait- She does not kick. "May" Nothing. "Cleo?" Nope. "Brooke?" A soft kick. 

"Is that a yes or no? I am very unsure." I say and giggle. "I guess I still have to call you Jellybean, since that's what you looked like on my ultrasound pictures.... You know, you're going to be here very soon. About 3 months to be exact. Then of course I can't hide you then.I don't have the guts to tell anyone. I just can't right now. Mommy isn't being very brave." I say and she kicks twice in a row.

"You know your dad is kinda being mean, not helping me and all. He has a new girlfriend that is never going to know about you or touch you, because I love you very much"


"Tris! Mom said wake up you have been sleep for ages and it is one in the afternoon."Josh says opening my door. I can faintly hear the payback by James Brown playing. Mom has had the on repeat for the past half hour.

"I'm up. I swear if she clicks repeat on that box I swear I am going to pass out." I say

"I feel you, Plus your friends are here, or whatever. They're parents are coming later so hurry up!" He says and shuts the door. I stretch and get up out of bed. I fix my sheets and I go into my bathroom and I brush my teeth and my hair. I get in the shower and take a long time washing away all of my worry. I get out dry off, and brush my hair again. 

I pull my hair into a messy bun at the back of my head and then I put on a pair of basket ball shorts, a tank top, and a North Face hoody. I put on ankle socks and I put a bit of chap stick on. 

I go downstairs and I don't hear the Payback on. I continue on the steps and when the gang see's me they smile, since the steps are in the living rooms view and there is a huge opening doorway.

As soon as my foot hits that last step the song comes back on. I turn back around and start walk up the steps. 

"BEATRICE PRIOR!" Mom yells at me with a smile on her face wearing her apron standing on the kitchen doorway. 

I roll my eyes and whine. 

"Mom this has been on for the past 30 minutes. I know that you are trying to connect back with your 'back in the day' music. But come on mom, you are torching us" I say as I walk into the kitchen stealing a couple of pieces of strawberries and popping them in my mouth. 

"Ugh, Leave me alone!" She says and I laugh. 

"Hey, where is dad?" I ask popping some more strawberries in my mouth. 

"He is.....taking care of business right now" She says slapping my hand and I roll my eyes and go into the pantry putting some crackers in my mouth. 

I give her a look. 

"Good business! Not 'godfather' business." She says and I laugh and walk away not before turning around and saying. "Enough with the Payback"

I go back into the living room and plop down on the beanbag beside Christina. 

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