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Drip drop,

The silent drops of dextrose echoed in the still room as the scent of antiseptics linger around. White walls are tainted with the orange light emitting from the sun getting ready for its shift change. The soft sound of the page turned, harmonized in this small quiet room.

A girl sitting on a bed with clean sheets. Her emerald eyes solely centered upon the book between her delicate hands. Her raven hair that barely reached her shoulders danced along with the soft breeze.

"Rinna! We're here!" Announced a blond boy with a big smile on his face who busted the door open. Disrupting the calmness of the room.

"Idiot! We're in a hospital!" A company of the noisy boy pulled his ears, stopping him from lunging himself at the bedridden girl.

The ravenette didn't mind the noise at all as she let out a soft chuckle. The book between her hands now onto her lap. She greeted her visitors' a warm welcome.

A brunette, one of the visitors narrowed her eyes down the sick girl known as Rinna. She walked towards her grabbing the book out of the girl's lap. "You too, last time we came you're reading this and now you're reading it again. Don't you even rest?" She swings the book in her hand, staring intently at Rinna.

Rinna only smiled, "I guess I've been caught."


"I'm kidding, I'm kidding."

The brunette could only raise her brow in disbelief at Rinna. The ravenette only smiled back, not faltering. She still doubts it yet does not doubt it at the same time. She could only heave a sigh as she shook her head. Just what should she do with this idiot? 

"Woah! You really read fast!"

And here's the other idiot.

The blind nosy boy beamed. His blue eyes sparkled as he awed over the book the brunette is holding. She heaved another sigh.

"You're already at the last volume of hxh again!"

"Of course! It's great after all!" Rinna agreed matching up his enthusiasm for the said series. She nodded her head repeatedly. Her favorite subject is up, awakening her inner fangirl. "I just finished the 2011 anime yesterday!"

Her head drooped down together with her enthusiasm. Recalling the events from the last episode. "I already know what's going to happen but still... It hit me hard."

"Cheer up Rinna. That's not the end if I recall it." A blonde girl hummed. A fruit of basket on her hand as she laid it on a table near Rinna.

Rinna turned to her. "The manga's on hiatus for so long. There's no end." She stated. Her green eyes stared straight at the honey-eyed girl. The fear of not seeing the series' ending eating over her.

The blondie sweatdropped, letting out a wry laugh. She totally forgot about that.

The atmosphere had turned quite awkward so she lightened it up by opening her mouth. "Let's change the topic, how's your day?" Rinna asked clasping her hands together. Even though she asked it, one thing is certain. She does not miss school. She just misses her friends, nothing else.

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