『11』Oηє × ση × Oηє

535 33 9

How could Rinna forget? He's the first one called.

A pair of amber eyes landed down at her, the eyes of the viscous jester. His smirk that screams danger to the one he smiled at, and this unfortunate person is none other than Rinna. 

This young brunette could only shiver under his gaze, she knows all too well that she had been under his radar. After meeting with the person he wants to fight the most right now, his senses are a bit sensitive. 

The two walked past each other, with the girl not even batting him an eye. The sounds of their footsteps echoed in the silent hallway. Rinna found herself already in front of the designated room when she let out a sigh of relief, her tensed shoulders finally loosened. 

The lurking stare of the joker was now gone as he turned around the corner.

She looked down her trembling hands. It was just a stare and she's shaking this much. She unclasped her hands as she slapped both her cheek. Facing the door once more as she slid it open, "Pardon my intrusion."

A chuckle from the chairman is what welcomed her in. "This is our first time talking isn't it Katrina?"

"If you may call me Rinna." The brunette stated as she sat down the given seat for her. Her intertwined hands lay on her lap.

"Okay then number 100 Rinna, let's start the interview." Netero started as he looked over her. "Why do you want to become a hunter?"

"I want to meet quite a few people."

"Ho? Have you met them?" He perked his head in interest.

A smile barely visible formed at the brunette's face. "That doesn't concern you does it chairman Netero?"

Netero erupted into fits of laughter before deciding to talk, "That's quite the statement young lady."

Rinna dropped as her hold on her hand tightened realizing her mistake. Earlier's event got her on the edge, it is still vivid, the gaze of the magician that's making her skin crawl. "Pardon me, what I meant is it is a personal matter."

"Is that so? Let's get moving then, the next question. Who among the remaining participants has your interest?"

"Number 99."

"May I ask why?"

She looked at the chairman, the smile on her lips unbending as ever. "Personal matters."

He could only shrug his shoulders, "Figured. Next, who among the remaining participants do you least want to fight?"

Rinna hummed as she think back to the remaining participants. The least she wants to fight? That's a hard question, she has a lot of them that she doesn't want to have a fight with. "Number 405." She finally answered. Nitpicking each of them she had gone down to Gon. She won't ever want to fight this precious bean.

She could only drop a sweat at the intense stare she's receiving from the old man with his brow raised. Being unanswered for two times, this surely is up to the brunette herself whether to answer or not. 

"Are those the only questions regarding this interview? As far as I know, there's still quite a handful of participants." She asked with a sweet smile up to her face.

"You're right. You may go now." The chairman answered.

Rinna stood up as she lowered her head at him, bidding her goodbye she left the room. Her foot made contact on the floor outside the room as another announcement rang throughout the airship.

"Number 53, Pokkle"

She passed by the fellow examinee off to take his turn. She turned around the corner having nowhere to actually go to in this airship. She let out a small squeak as she felt a cold sensation on her forehead.

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