『3』A вα∂ мєєт × Oя × A gσσ∂ мєєт?

837 45 8

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived in Zaban city."

The door to the plane opened as passengers began to walk off one by one. Some stretching due to the long time they have sat down on the plane. Others puking out their breakfast because of the shaky ride that they're foreign to.

A young girl holding onto the strap of her bag that hangs over her big grayish-blue hoodie. Her dark brown hair was tied to a simple bun as a few strands were left. Her half-side swept bangs hovering over her blackish-blue eyes glimmering in excitement as she got off the plane. The long ride didn't seem to affect her, not one bit.

She stretched her arms out to jolt her body back to action as she continued to exit the airport. The bright ray of the sun welcomed her out. She raised her arm to protect her eyes from the blinding light, mildly squinting at it.

She continued her way to walk around town. The unfamiliar buildings surrounding her which made her look in awe.

'Aaah~ tall buildings.'
She could only reminisce back to her past life. Always tall buildings on sight.

"Takes me back." She whispered to herself. She got so used to living in a small town that she forgot how ridiculously tall are some of the buildings in a city. It's not a bad experience for her living in a rural place, it's actually refreshing.

She passed through the bustling stalls. Sellers advertising their products with some over-the-top advertisement. Still a market this lively is exciting for her, making her feel giddy. She hopped from stall to stall, feasting her eyes with these unknown items.

Almost eight years had passed and now Katrina also known as Rinna has now come to Zaban for one obvious thing, the upcoming hunter exam. Surviving the hell called training by the incarnation of the devil himself, Erdan.

She had managed to convince everyone at the orphanage to let her take the exam. It is no easy feat that she had to resort to drastic measures.

"Say, mister. I lost track of the date, can you tell me what day is today?" Rinna spoke up, her eyes trailing down a store that caught her eye. She fumbled through one of the displayed items that she had deemed intriguing.

"It's the 6th of January young lady." The seller responded as he clasped his hands together. "Another one wishing to partake in the exam, I guess."

With just a single question he was able to guess the girl's intention. Quite a few had asked him that already for the day and rambling about how they're going to pass and all.

Well, dreaming is free anyways.

The brunette let the small stone go. She looked up at the man. A smile formed up her face. "That's correct mister! Wish me luck."

The man gazes over the girl, studying her from up to down. "Probably you shouldn't. You're still young. The Hunter exam is no joke."

"Passing is not my priority. I just want to meet some people." She replied, her eyes trailing down the different products the man has to offer.

"People who take the exam are notorious."
"-Most. May I correct you, sir." She cut him off. Rinna looked up at the man, her smile still isn't fading away. "Oh, this one piqued my interest. I'll take it."

She picked up the product and handed it to the male. Still questioning the girl's will for attending the exam he set her order in place. After finishing the transaction the seller spoke up one more time. "The Hunter exam is dangerous."

The girl only smiled in response. Tired of convincing the male that she'll be fine. She turned her heels away, ready to gallop away from the stall. Not until someone spoke up beside her.

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