『18』Tσσ × Eαяℓу!

495 31 24

"She-what!?" The silver-haired boy yelled, realizing this he covered his mouth facing his friends.

"Yup slept for ten days straight." Leorio nodded as he answered.

"And none of you ever thought to bring her to the hospital!?" Killua had lowered his voice a little as it ended with a whisper yell.

"We did! It was just that she woke up."

"That's ten whole days!!"

"Now that you've talked about it..."

"Even you Kurapika?" He turned to the blond male who nodded his head, ashamed of the fact that he didn't consider that before. "Just when did the idiocy of you two become so contagious that even Kurapika got affected in it!?"

The two other males can only scratch their nape. "It's like it never occurred to us!"

The silver-haired boy sighed, his eyes training over to the girl leaning on his shoulder-sleeping soundly despite all the noise that had passed. "At least she's fine now."

"Who knows she might also be in a ten-day coma agai-ouch!"

"She's just exhausted for the day." Kurapika cut off the male teen beside him after he had stepped on his foot. His dark eyes shooting him a glance.

Leorio only grumbled as he sank in his seat.


Everyone's attention suddenly darted to the girl who groaned; seemingly in the process of waking up. Killua gestured her head that leaned over his shoulder to her other side, window. On-time as her eyes fluttering open were eyes of her friends gazing at her.

"We're already on the train?" She mumbled yawning a little as her eyes trailed around.

"Good morning Rinna!" Gon beamed as he flashed a smile over to the girl. She returned the smile as well as the greeting. Her eyes landed on Killua for a few seconds before she sighed.


"Nothing. Who carried me here?" Rinna asked leaning in her seat.

"Killua. I..." Gon covered his mouth as if to not spill something. This made Rinna raise her brow at him. He only laughed sheepishly as he placed his hands down. "He carried you here."

Her eyes were once back at the silver-haired boy who only gazed back at her. Her eyes narrow down at him. 

As if reading her mind Killua spoke, "You must be wondering why your butt doesn't hurt."

Her face immediately burned red as she firmly shook her head. "No, I don't!!"

"Here they go again." Kurapika sighed as he shook his head at the bickering kids.

Leorio turned his head "They've done this before?"

"Yeah, you can say that."

Rinna stumbled a little on her seat before leaning back down. Pursing her lips together as she glared over the silver-haired boy with a smirk on his face. "At least let me hit you again Killua!"

"The exception is gone," Killua replied shrugging his shoulders.

The whole ride went on with the bicker of the two and before they knew they had arrived at their destination. The five of them unboarded the train with a defeated brunette. She had given up and just decided to follow suit.

"I forgot to ask but how long was I out for?" Rinna asked holding on to the yellow skateboard she had acquired from last night.

"You passed out as soon as we got out the butler's quarters." Gon replied.

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