『5』Sтяαηgєя × Fяιєη∂ѕ × Cσмραηιση

732 38 19

Rinna could only heave a sigh. She knew that it would come to this. She even prepared herself but what she has forgotten is to prepare herself mentally.


She could only grimace at the horrendous sight of long stairs. How many steps will it take just to get on top? She doesn't know and she sure doesn't want to count.

"Rinna? Are you alright?" Gon asked concern lit up his hazel eyes as he looked at the girl.

"I'm doing fine..." She replied as she turned to him, wiping off the sweat trailing down her forehead. If they came down here using an elevator they could have done the same thing up. 

But no, for the sake of plucking out the weak they have to go through hellish steps of stairs. "I usually take elevators if the stairs are this long."

"But this adds thrill isn't it?" The spiky-haired boy beamed with his usual bright smile. He too is breaking out in a sweat and even to the point of panting. But that's normal, the one that isn't normal is the silver-haired boy, not a single sign of being tired.

"No Gon. This just adds sweat." Rinna deadpanned. Sure she likes physical activities except for climbing stairs. She just wonders how they did not think of elevators.

"It's part of the test!" Gon added. Rinna doesn't know if she's just imagining it but his smile seemed to grow brighter that it almost did blind her.

"This is too easy though," Killua stated as he shrugged his shoulders.

Rinna only turned towards him, her eyes squinting a bit. Killua looked back raising his brow at the girl. "I've been curious but why did you even take the exam?" Killua questioned. 

He and Gon have already talked about their own reasons but he still has yet to know her reason. They've been together since yesterday but he got to know the spiky-haired boy's reason first.

Gon also perked his head up interested in the topic on hand.   

Rinna turned to him The end of her lips curled up as she opened her mouth to speak, "It's a secret."

"Spit it out already. It's not like it's anything big if it's you." He retorted.

"Hey! Even I have my own share of secrets!" Rinna huffed in reply as she narrowed her eyes down the silverette. She then turned to the spiky-haired boy across her. "Right Gon?"

The boy that just got dragged in their conversation tilted his head to the side. "Sure?"

"I never said you never have one."

She was dumbstruck, Killua really did not say that. She only perked her head up to the opening up in the tunnel.

"Look! We're almost out this tunnel!" She stated pointing up.

"Way to change the subject," Killua commented. "You're just making me more curious."

"Me too, I'm curious!" Gon added. Also eager to learn about the girl's intention of joining the exam. 

Rinna could only heave a sigh at the persistence of the two boys. The three of them skipped off the last step of stairs, greeted by the ray of the sun. The swamp coming into view.

She holds onto her knees as she gasps for air. Being this tired just after that run, she surely has a long way to go. The curious eyes of the boys still wanting an answer struck her. She heaved a sigh deciding to ignore them. She firmly said no earlier and her answer won't change.

No matter what.
No way.

But she does feel a bit uncomfortable being stared at with such pleading eyes. She has to resist no matter how cute they are. She just can't reveal it that easily.

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