『17』Cσмραηιση × Aη∂ × Fяιєη∂ѕ

451 27 18

The young brunette heaved yet a sigh before looking up at the mirror that reflected her face. Arriving at the butler's quarters Rinna had excused herself to the bathroom before Gotoh can even mention the game, what a great excuse. She just can't sit still there knowing that none of her actions can do anything.

'What a stupid rule to put up.'

A groan escapes her mouth at the thought of not being able to do anything. That so-called deity sure knows how to stir her up.

She dried her hands before turning to the door to leave, not like there's more to do in the bathroom. Well, that is she didn't expect a surprise just outside.



She swung the door close in a swift motion. He was inside the butler's quarters, she still haven't prepared herself yet! But he; yes him, has managed to hold the door opening a small gap.

"I clearly saw you bunhead!" Killua yelled as he peeked through the small opening. Not that he would have any problem if there was none, to begin with.

"No, you don't!" Rinna yelled back not letting the boy open the door.

A vein popped up his head as he swung the door open with ease. Revealing the girl who can only let out a dry laugh. Of course, he can do that, he's Killua after all. Having no other choice but to step out she did so with a defeated sigh.

That was a sudden popping-up moment. Here she goes again, meeting with him ahead of the other three. Oh, how blessed she feels to have the honor. Just not like that, Rinna wasn't mentally prepared.

Still, seeing him now lighten the weight on her shoulders... When did the heaviness come?

"Makai, you can leave now."

Snapping her out her thoughts are the words of the silverette directed to the butler amid the hallway; the person who had shown her the way. She also turned to the man who abided by his master's orders as he weaved through the darkness.

"He showed me the way." Rinna blurted out still looking over the path the butler had dispersed to.

"Showed huh..."


Rinna knows and that goes without saying. He was there to keep tabs on her-to add her to their hostage towards the three with Gotoh. Futile work, as if something would've come out with them doing that.

"Why are you here?" Killua asked.

"Why...?" Rinna tilted her head to the side as her reply prolonged.

How come she can't answer a simple question?

"Cause you can't and if you continued to do so. Worse might happen, and you know what that means."

Ah, how troublesome the words that so-called deity had spoken of. They're meddling with her choice of words as of now, and even more than that. She can't think properly if those words will keep repeating themselves.

"You..." Killua trailed off, facing her yet never once has he looked at her in the eye. He can't, he doesn't have the guts to do so after what he did. Instead, he reached over her right hand looking down at the scarred hand, making him frown. "It did leave a scar."

Her attention was brought back by the silverette before her. Realization struck her as she sees the look he has as he gazed at her scarred hand, 'How stupid of me.'

"Killua, look." Rinna freed her hands from his grasps as both her hands made their way to cup his cheeks. This action makes him look up at her again in the eye this time.

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