『4』Hυηтєя × Eχαм × Sтαят!

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"Killua. This is not the way."

"Because it's the only way."

"No! You should carry me!" Rinna whined, squirming around the uncomfortable travel she has.

Killua did not bother to look back. "This is your doing so stop wriggling around and stay still." He stated continuing on dragging the brunette around.

Passerby's all with different reactions. Some were dumbfounded while others see it as two children playing around, it is absolutely not. This is a white-haired boy, bothering to carry his skateboard around while dragging a brown-haired girl by her hoodie.

Rinna has been depleted since morning even refusing to get off her beloved bed. Killua had to resort to kicking her off to get herself ready. She did so but is too tired to walk and resulted in this.

"Just what are you doing all night?! If you can't handle sleepless nights then don't stay up all night in the first place!"

Staying in a hotel with a room next to each other, he have no idea that this girl would stay up all night. He should've kept an eye on her.

"You sure do scold a lot." She huffed. "Just carry me Killua- ouch!"

Killua let her hoodie go, dropping her off the ground. "We're here." He stated looking inside the small restaurant. A normal one, that one wouldn't think that this would be where the participants for the exam would gather.

"It's still too early!" The girl whined.

"I want to be here now so here we are." He uttered looking down at the girl laying on the ground. The floor had become Rinna's best friend and she has no plans of getting separated from it even if it is cold.

The owner of the place, cooking up breakfast for his dear customers welcomed the two children in. "What's your order?" He asked.

"Ah, I forgot." Killua chirped. He has been nagging since earlier that he had involuntarily erased the password from his memory. He looked down the laying girl for the password to be said. She could only grumble as she opened her mouth to speak.

"Steak combo. Grilled thoroughly over low flame." She replied in a dull tone. She needs sleep, asap.

"Comin' right up." The man said stirring his pan.

With that Killua dragged the girl into the restaurant. A woman guided them inside to a small room. The decor of the room was simple with only a round table in the middle surrounded by a total of three chairs. The same with what Rinna is familiar with.

The woman bid her goodbye as she closed the room. The two children were left alone inside to await further instructions. They felt the whole room move, continuously down. A small box on top of a door lit up indicating the floor they're in.

Killua trudged over the round table laying his skateboard on it. He flopped down one of the seats. The time to get down shouldn't be that long so they just have to wait for a while. 

"Did you just leave me here on the floor?" Rinna could only look blankly at the boy. Now used on just being left somewhere on the floor.
"That is right Katrina."
"Rinna! I told you I prefer to be called Rinna!" She cut in.

"The exact reason why I kept calling you Katrina." The ends of Killua's lips curled up to a smile, sensing his victory in this argument.

Rinna only squints her eyes at the silverette, totally annoyed. She grumbles curses under her breath and bid her goodbye to her friend. She trudged over the chair and sat on it. She slumped her arms down the table, burrowing her head on her it. 

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