『14』Mαя¢нιηg ση × Tσ × Kυкυяσσ мσυηтαιη!

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"That was a miracle," Leorio muttered as he slumped down a seat.

"Well, that was nothing compared to the exam." Kurapika nodded his head from his seat beside the man

"Yeah, we didn't even break a sweat!" Gon beamed still with a cast around his injured arm.

"The perks of improving people." Rinna hummed beside Gon.

The four of them managed to catch up with their flight despite the pending traffic and are now on an airship. Their destination? It is none other than the Dentora region in the republic of Padokea where Kukuroo mountain resides.

Rinna leaned her elbow on the window beside her. Her eyes trailed out to the dark sky as the ship began to rise up the ground. "It's getting dark now."

"Yeah, it'll be a long ride before we arrive in Padokea." Leorio let out an exasperated sigh, slouching down.

"It'll be like a breeze!" Gon beamed, radiating hope as always. A smile up to his lips as determination glistened in his honey brown eyes that illuminated a golden hue under the light. "We'll get Killua back in no time!"

The four of them having survived the hunter exam are now accustomed to the three-day staying challenge. And three days are the estimated days for their flight.

"Yeah, and this is also the perfect time to ask." Kurapika trailed off, his brown eyes landing down the brown-haired girl.

She isn't imagining, is she? No, it's definitely a no, the Kurta's eyes are definitely on her. And it's probably about that thing.

"Rinna, just what stopped Killua back then?"

It couldn't be helped, Rinna knows that Kurapika would bring that up sooner or later. He's the observant one in here. A smile made its way to her lips. "Can you please elaborate?"

"Didn't Killua stop on his own?" Leorio overlapped the girl's response with his loud booming voice. Confusion flooded him, he was there when that happened.

Leorio got about what Kurapika is talking about so it is no mistake, Kurapika knows for sure that Rinna is trying to dodge the subject.

"Ouch!! What was that for Rinna!?"

"For interrupting me." Rinna crossed her arms as she laid the leg she had used to kick the man across her on top of her other one. Her brow raised at him. "Don't you know that's rude?"

"I didn't hear you. Not my fault your voice is too quiet."

"No, your voice is just too unnecessarily loud." Rinna ripped her gaze away from the irritated man and turned to the blond beside him. "Can you elaborate it for me Kurapika?"

"About Killua, during the last phase. What stopped him?" The Kurta repeated. He seems to be somewhat wrong. He doesn't know, the actions of this girl at times are quite bizarre.

"I wasn't there but mister Satotz had told me what happened." Gon spoke up, the attention dragged into him. "But Killua would stop on his own."

"Right?" Rinna sighed recalling the past event, her eyes narrowed down a bit. "But Miki just have to react that way."

Her other three companions can only mutter in confusion, "Miki?"

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