『13』Oƒ ¢συяѕє × Sнє × Kησωѕ ιт

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"You're the freshman the other day right?"

"Ah, oh me? Yeah, I guess so..."

"It's late but welcome to the school."

A ceiling, an unfamiliar one. That's what greeted Rinna as her eyes opened. She sat up the bed, the first thing her eyes trailed off to is her right hand all bundled up with a bandage. 

"You're awake, that was fast."

She turned to her left. And as soon as she did, she fought with all her might the urge to not frown at the man before her. "I'm perfectly fine."

"Wahaha, no need to be so tense." The man chuckled placing the book he has down his lap. It was Lippo, the third phase examiner. Rinna's least like examiner. "I'm just here to make sure you have a proper rest and be notified of the orientation currently happening." 

"Ah, yes. I'll be there soon." 

The pro hunter raised his brow before springing up his seat. His heels that clacked on the ground as he walks closer to the girl, handing out a card. "All matters aside, here's your license kid."

Rinna forced a smile up to her lips, "Thank you."

"Also, don't forget to be quick." He reminded before leaving the girl alone in her room. Not given a chance to reply Rinna stared off the space, her mind trailing back to the earlier event. Her right hand seemed to throb in pain just recalling it. 


She perked her head up not even realizing it to lower. It was Miki. Her pink fluffy ears raised, her eyes slanted as she hopped onto the girl's lap. Noises made by this little bunny, scolding the girl for endangering herself earlier. 

Having a wry smile the girl could only match it with a laugh. "I'm fine aren't I?" She replied which did not help the bunny at all. 

Rinna got out of her bed, leaving her little companion on the bed to only glare at her. The girl trudged over to her hoodie laid on the side, "I have to get ready Miki, the orientation is underway."

She slipped it on as she walked over to the mirror that thankfully, the room has one. Her eyes trailed over the reflection of the bunny in the mirror, "No it's not about him... Okay?" She huffed letting her dark brown hair out of her hoodie's grasp. 

She got her bag and rummaged through it to get her packed-up comb and a tie. Getting her hair ready is part of this girl's morning routine and she doesn't like it, not one bit. Playing tug of war with her hair is not really pleasant that she think every time she does, all her hair were going to fall off and leave her bald. 

"Rinna! Are you alright?"

Finishing up her bun she turned to the spiky-haired boy who busted the door open with his uninjured arm, a cast around the other. Worry filled up his honey eyes. 

Rinna smiled at him, "I'm perfectly fine. How about you Gon?" She asked resting her hands to her side. "I was just done getting ready."

"Let's go straight after." Gon stated. 

"Sure thing but there's still the orientation." She replied, lifting her bag that lay on the bed. "We wouldn't want to miss it."

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