『6』A × Sнσят × Bяєαк

688 38 8

The long marathon had soon reached its end as the first phase examiner had left the batch of participants in the area of the second phase of the Hunter exam.

Rinna's legs wobbled as she let herself collapse on the ground. Her legs already had enough and they need to stop functioning for a while. She did prepare herself before coming here, heck she knew that this would happen. Yet here she is with her legs now made with jello. She could only grimace noting herself to train more.

Killua's gaze landed down the girl who had exhausted herself. He could only heave a sigh. "Great job idiot. Your butt hurts now doesn't it?"

"Pssh, of course not." The end of her lips curled up to a smile. It's true though, her butt is throbbing in pain. And now she's hiding it from the silverette. "I'm just tired from all that running."

"Yeah, yeah whatever. We still have time before the second phase ends, better get your butt healed up by then."

Rinna's face burned red from embarrassment. "H-hey! I told you it doesn't hurt!" She retorted raising her voice a bit. It was too late when she realized her mistake as the silverette already had his smirk on.

She plead in her mind for the ground to just swallow her whole just to get out of this embarrassing situation she had made. 

"Katrina you don't have to hide it, I know your butt hurts." 

She knows too well what this boy is up to, but she just can't help it. She could feel her face get hotter.

'He's too adorable!'

In a flash, she turned her gaze opposite of him before her inner fangirl could jump out. Just how in the world can she be immune to that?

Killua could only raise his brow in confusion. He didn't get any reply yet again from her. This girl's attention can jump from one thing to another. Just when things are getting good she'd turn like this. 

"Oi, what's your problem?"

"Ah! Isn't that Leorio?!" Rinna yelled as she pointed towards the direction of the old-looking teenager. Her knowledge sure is quite handy. Now she has a savior to drag her out of the crisis she's in. She was about to stand up when a tug on her hood interrupted her. She turned behind her, of course, it's Killua who had begun dragging her. "Killua! Hey! Stop!"

"You want to go to him right? I'm just helping you." He replied not stopping and just kept on dragging. He didn't even bat her an eye. "Though if your butt does hurt-"
"-It does not!" She cut him off. She doesn't know why the boy keeps insisting her butt hurts, well it's true though. But there's no way she's going to admit that! "Killua, can you just stop insisting that?!"

"Insisting what, pray to tell?"

The situation right now is not pleasant for Rinna at all. He's playing mind games on her again. She only huffed as she crossed her arms.

"Ouch!" She was dropped again on the ground by the one and only Killua.

"Yo, looks like you managed to survive. Where's Gon and... Kurapika was it?" Killua asked not minding the fact that he had surely undergo an unpleasant experience base on his face. It's none of his business after all. 

The beat-up male took a look around. "What? Wait, where are we? What happened?" Leorio just regained his consciousness, having no idea of the events that just occurred. They were just running at the swamp and now his here rested on a tree. 

Rinna stood up the ground as she looked over the male. She reached for her bag and took out a wrap of bandage. She gestured towards Leorio's arm. He raised a brow at her making the brunette sigh. She untied the tie that he tied around it, replacing it with a clean bandage. 

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