『16』Eχρє¢тαтισηѕ × Aη∂ × Lιмιтαтισηѕ

454 27 22

"Rinna, don't you get tired?

"Of what?"

"...Nevermind, must be my mind playing tricks on me."

Ten days,

That's the number of days that so-called deity rendered her unconscious this time. Only to wake up at the news of Gon's arm healed and Leorio opening up to the first gate.

Another ten days,

The other three had put her to rest for a complete recuperation. During her sleep, they were even daring to go to the nearest town to have her checked thoroughly. They missed the chance since she woke up. Even with quite a long sleep, she was fine except for her empty stomach.

"We did it Kurapika!" Gon beamed as a sweat trailed off his cheek. They had done it all three of them to open the first gate not to mention Leorio had managed up to the second gate.

"Yeah." The blond Kurta nodded as he panted.

"It's my turn then," Rinna stated from behind making heads turn to her at her statement.

"No, we managed to open it so you don't have to push yourself, Rinna." Leorio declined as he shook his head.

"It's fine, resting for ten days is more than enough." The girl replied as she took off her hoodie. With only a tank top on, she tied the hoodie around her waist. "I'm sure I can open the first gate."

"Good luck Rinna!" Gon cheered as he gave the girl a thumbs up pairing up with his wide grin.

"Seriously she..." Leorio sighed as he gave up. This girl is also stubborn, she really wanted to open the gate.

Rinna returned the gesture that followed suit with a cheeky grin. She turned to face the humongous gate. She inhaled sharply as her hands came in contact with the cold gate. With all her strength she pushed the gate.


"Woah, Rinna that's amazing!"

Rinna looked up the gates she had opened, two, two of them opened. "Ah... I still need more training."

"You're not satisfied with that!?"

She retracted her arm, it's becoming sore the longer she pushed through. "But Killua opened up to the third gate. I was hoping to at least be on par with him." She muttered under her breath but still can be heard by her friends who can only drop a sweat.

"You're an overachiever."

"Ha..." She turned to look at them, her eyes narrowing down. 'It's frustrating since I've been training for this for years.' She sighed brushing off her thoughts there's one thing she needs now,

And that's a shower.

She's all sweaty just by pushing that heavy door.

Getting back in the small cottage she immediately took a shower. After a little while of them freshening up and getting ready they're good to go, be back on their tracks up Kukuroo mountain; where the Zoldyck's manor resides. Their goal never changing–to see Killua.

However, there stood a young girl blocking their path. Her clothes are a suit in resemblance to a butler signifying she works for the family that resides here, and that brings forth nothing but trouble to the four.

"It seems someone came to welcome us." Rinna hummed at the expected company. Indeed, it was Canary who held her cane. Her gaze directly on the four, studying the group that had to intrude.

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