Chapter nineteen

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The were-witch hopped into the shower, the warm water running down her body, washing off the dried blood from her earlier torture session

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The were-witch hopped into the shower, the warm water running down her body, washing off the dried blood from her earlier torture session. They'd collectively decided to murder the Lockwood boy, if Hayley remembers right he did die anyway in like the last season. But, she might be wrong, after the Originals left the show she mainly watched their spin off.

Anyway, Hayley had pleaded her case so that she could murder the wolf boy whom she had always disliked in the series, even more after he tried to kill Hope in utero then went back home to his girl like nothing fucking happened.
However, the Originals stressed that her own stress wouldn't be good for the child. So, albeit reluctantly, she allowed them to kill Tyler instead of herself.

Running her coconut shampoo through her hair as the hummed a tune from her future universe. If anything, Hayley missed the music a lot, other than her loved ones of course. Speaking of, with all the drama that she puts up with on the daily she hasn't really had time to think about the people she's left behind in her ow universe, and she tries hard not to think about that. If she thinks about her little niece's matching green eyes to hers that held innocence and adoration she honestly might break down. Therefore, she distracts herself with the supernatural drama.

"I'm so glad I look like me not her." Hayley muttered quietly, it was definitely not an insult because Hayley- well Phoebe Tonkin, is/was fucking gorgeous but she'd feel uncomfortable showering and practically wearing someone else's body.

Swiftly, Hayley pulls on some stretchy black leggings, a loose red cami top, pulling her hair into a high ponytail, and applying a layer of red tinted lip gloss to her lips. She grabbed some comfy combat boots and slipped them on before exiting her room.

"You killed the bitch boy yet, buttercup?" Hayley asked as she waltzed into the living room, the one Tyler wasn't in, and pressed a kiss to Rebekah's cheek as she was the only one present in the room.

"Hm, not yet, my brothers are taking their sweet, sweet time". Rebekah rolled her eyes, listening to the torturous screams that were emitted from the werewolf boy.

"Can you at least rip out his vocal cords." Hayley yelled over the screams, her head starting to throb from the volume of Tyler's cries of anguish.

Almost as soon as she has uttered those words, the screams stopped and a sort of splat sound was heard, making Hayley laugh.

"How is even still alive, you literally carved out that stupid vein in his forehead." Rebekah commented with a small groan of exhaustion.

"Do you blame me, that vein got on my fucking nerves." Hayley said truthfully.

Rebekah chucked at the pregnant girl, moving her head to see that said pregnant girl was collecting a jacket and her bag, rummaging through it for something.

"What are you looking for, sweets?" Rebekah inquired with a head tilt.

"Aha!" Hayley exclaimed as she pulled out the jar with the crescent wolf cure, a victorious smile on her face.

"And that is..?" Rebekah trailed off confused.

"Cure for the curse that.. my pack is under." Hayley stated shortly.

"Blimey- how do you get these things done without us even knowing?" Rebekah sighed.

"Stealth, I'm like a ninja." Hayley shrugged.

The Marshall girl shrugged on a black leather jacket, pulled her high ponytail tighter and then pulled on her backpack before making her way to the door.

"Where do you think your going, love?" Klaus asked as he stepped in front of her, preventing her from leaving. His entire attire was converted in blood, and so were his hands. A fact Hayley admittedly found hot before realising he asked her a question.

"To the Bayou."


"Short version ; Marcel had a witch curse my pack, that witch was a body jumping Celeste, so I basically made Celeste make me the cure to the curse before I slit her throat." Hayley nonchalantly informed.

Elijah, who had just come out from the other living room, rolled up her sleeves as he blinked stunned by her casual attitude. "When?"

"When you guys were chatting for the first time since I sorta resurrected your bros." Hayley shrugged.

"Right well, someone should accompany her to the bayou." Klaus said, he did want to go with his little wolf but, like Hayley, he had his own plans he did indeed need to partake in. And, not that he'd admit it, he was worried and frightened that when she gets her people back to normal that she'd immediately abandon him for them.

"I'll go." Rebekah and Elijah eagerly requested.

"Great well, come on lovely's." Hayley smiled over her shoulder at the two of them before exiting.

Elijah and Rebekah shared a glance before they quietly followed after the she-wolf whom had unknowingly become the subject of their affections.

As they reached the Bayou, morning was starting to approach, the sun coming up in the distance and the sky lightning up more.

"Come on." Hayley ushered, treading the path in which she for some reason had vivid memory of where it was and where she was going.

The Marshall grabbed ahold of both of the original siblings hands as she walked ahead of them, dragging them to the desired area. Once they stopped at the small homey cabin, surrounded by trailers up in the higher distance, Hayley skipped down and inhaled the earthy scent, before walking into the cabin.

The Originals followed after her hesitantly, not wanting to intrude in werewolf country or in a maybe personal moment with the she-wolf.

"So, now what?" Rebekah questioned, looking around the homey cabin, slapping her hands against her jean clad thighs.

"We wait for this platinum blonde sweetie to show up." Hayley said vaguely.

She was referring to Eve, who she wouldn't let die ; speaking off, she was most likely going to murder Oliver because he just radiated toxic masculinity and arrogance. Also he was a traitor to his people for his own benefit and that was something she despised because loyalty meant a lot to her. In her opinion, Eve was honestly a underdeveloped character, she was like the loving mum of the group who deserved better.

Used to her vague responses, the two Mikaelson siblings found a space in the cabin to sit as the sun rose in the distance and they basked in the peaceful silence for once in their long lifetimes.

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