Chapter twenty nine

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"Alright." Marcel clapped his hands together as he stood atop the first floor of the compound, leaning over the railing and looking down at his vampire lackeys. "There's been some changes in leadership.."

"We'll spit it out already." One of the vampires rushed, seemingly annoyed from being taken away from his prior activity.

"Me and Klaus Mikealson, my mentor and sire, will now be ruling over New Orleans side by side, the the help of his family also." Marcel spoke that fact which he had come to terms with.

Instantly loud murmurs broke out among the group of vampires, rather informative expressions painted onto all of their faces at this information which they had certainly not expected in the least.

"Ah, look on the bright side Marcellus." Klaus stated, announcing his presence as he zoomed over onto the balcony where his adoptive son stood, "that head of yours is still in tact."

"What if we don't accept this?" Another one of the vampires asked out, looking up at his own sire and mentor, before the Original Hybrid : his gaze challenging which he would learn, almost immediately, was a mistake.

"Well I could just kill you." Klaus shrugged casually as he appeared behind the vampire and placed his hands on his shoulders in a firm, iron grasp.

"Okay, okay, no need for that. Unfortunately, you don't have a choice in the matter as I've already made the deal with the Mikealson's themselves." Marcel concluded. "End of discussion."

"So we're going to be living in the compound?" Hayley questioned as she applied some sparkly lip gloss to her lips in her small compact mirror.

"That we are. Don't fret you'll love it there." Rebekah smiled softly at the pregnant werewolf before fleeing upstairs to pack her own things and Hayley's things.

"As much as I don't treasure my short time in New Orleans, even I can't deny the beauty of it." Kol hummed as he slung a dark blue gym bag full of his belongings over his shoulder.

"Oh I'm sure you much prefer this time round in New Orleans because of a certain adorable brunette." Hayley winked.

"As if he hasn't ruined most of his chances with her." Rebekah yelled from upstairs, knowing full well her siblings could hear her perfectly fine even if she were to whisper.

"What did you do Kol?" Hayley narrowed her eyes dangerously.

"He made her assume she was one of his play things." Rebekah yelled once more, happily ratting out her brother to the woman she had strong feelings for.

"You what?" Hayley growled out protectiveness for the young brunette swirling within her.

Kol's eyes widened comically before he 'mysteriously' fell unconscious.

"Are all your bag-" Klaus walked into the plantation, his footsteps pausing and his words stopping as he looked at the scene in front of him.

Kol was lying deadly still on the floor, in a state of unconsciousness as Hayley was using her magic to multitask. She was continuously changing the colour of his hair with her magic and adding silly accessories and articles of clothing such as clown wigs and costumes while taking photos on her phone with the flash on.

"I'm not even gonna ask." Klaus shook his head and just continued to walk off.



"What have you done?!" Kol exclaimed furiously as he gestured frantically to his now Afro styled blue hair, having not seen the large tattoo on his head that read 'ORIGINAL BRAT'

"Don't hurt Davina." Hayley shrugged simply, even as she captured another picture of his frantic, furious state.

"Finally." The she-Wolf huffed dramatically as she exited the car and planted her feet loudly on the concrete ground as she entered the compound.

"Hayley, love, it was a fifteen minute drive." Klaus commented, smiling in amusement as his little wolf's overly dramatic attitude, he definitely wouldn't change a single thing about her.

"Yeah, fifteen minutes without being able to go on my phone." Hayley scoffed even more dramatically, as she waved her dead phone around in the air to prove her point.

"And they say I'm dramatic." Kol muttered lowly as he pulled the hoodie tighter over himself and his petrifying hairdo.

"You are." Hayley, Klaus and Rebekah all chorused as they walked up to the compound in sync.

"Rude." Kol pouted childishly and glared at the people on the street who gave him looks for his attire which looked like something a depressed, video game obsessed teenage boy would wear.

"Let me get that for you." Elijah immediately rushed to Hayley's side as soon as they entered the compound, taking the small backpack which she had hanging over her shoulder.

"Thank you, sweets." Hayley laughed lightly at the action, seeing as the bag barely weighed anything at all but she handed it to the suited original anyway.

"Home sweet home." Hayley whistled with a smile as she grabbed Rebekah and Freya's hands and pulled them into the compound, dragging them toward the kitchen for a completely overdue snack session.

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