Chapter forty six

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"You all ready?" Hayley quizzed quietly as they stood outside the building where they'd tracked Dahlia to be, looking back at the Mikaelsons who all stood near her

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"You all ready?" Hayley quizzed quietly as they stood outside the building where they'd tracked Dahlia to be, looking back at the Mikaelsons who all stood near her.

They'd arrived back half an hour ago : giving Hope to Josh who they trusted and keep Camille and Davina with him also for extra safety, Ansel had also decided to stay back to watch over Hope and for his own safety as he was merely just a werewolf. The Mikaelsons wanted to ask Hayley to stay put but knew she'd never agree and honestly they'd be better off with her fighting beside them.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Freya replied in a hushed tone while the others all nodded in agreement, their eyes collectively gleaming with determination.

"Let's kill this bitch then." Hayley smirked at them all, making them return her expression. Her usually warm emerald green eyes glazed over with malice and the three infatuated mikaelsons couldn't deny how devilishly hypnotising she looked in that very moment.

The Mikaelsons and the Marshall woman all stealthily made their way into the building, their intentions being to rescue Marcel and to Kill the witch bitch who risked Hope's safety.

"Isn't this a nice family gathering." Dahlia coldly laughed as soon as she spotted them entering, a sadistic smile in place on her face. Marcel and his lady friend tied up in vervain coated metal chains to metal chairs behind her.

"I'd say quite the opposite, actually." Kol couldn't help but quip as he glared at yet another member of his family who posed a threat to them.

"I'd have to agree with my brother." Rebekah mused, moving her eyes away from the chained   up vampires. Although her and Marcels relationship was now strictly platonic that didn't mean she didn't care for him because she did, after all he was apart of their family. And if you mess with one, you mess with all.

"Let's cut the chit chat shall we." Dahlias icy voice spoke, her brown eyes full of malice. "I only wish to retrieve what is owed to me."

"Can't help you there, Auntie." Kol said flatly, he'd do anything to keep his little niece safe because even though he wasn't necessarily a fan of kids, she brought something out in him.

"A pity that is." Dahlia nodded slowly, a smirk forming on her face as she shot her hand out in front of her - a wooden stake flying into her hand.

Hayley immediately took action as she looked into Marcel's wide and fearful eyes, pushing both of her palms out mask uttering a incantation under her breath - the stake landing in her hand instead and Dahlia flying back into the stone wall.

Klaus acted instantly, speeding over to his adoptive son and hastily undoing all of the vervain coated chains across his body, helping him stand up and allowing him to release his unnamed vampire lover as well.

Dahlia, however, recovered quicker than expected and stood up - blasting both of her palms out as her eyes narrowed dangerously into slits.

Elijah, seeing the attack coming, tried to rush forward and rescue his brother only to be trapped in the crossfire as well.

The pained shouts of the two Mikaelson brothers rang throughout the building as Dahlia focused all of her magic on inflicting pain to the both of them.

Hayley's blood immediately ran cold as she looked at the two Mikaelson men who were shouting in agony. Her eyes connected with the both of theirs and suddenly all of her feelings made sense to her. The times where she remembered reacting to their words and touches but shrugged it off as nothing, made sense to her now as a feeling of nothing but dread and fear hit her - staring into their pain filled eyes, her feelings finally properly registered with her. Oh for fuck sake. She just had to fall for three bloody Mikaelsons. Good job Hayley.

Freya, seeing Hayley's frozen state, jumped into action and waved her hand out, mourning incantations as she did so - watching in satisfaction as Dahlia began to weakly stumble, her spell clearly affecting her.

Hayley snapped out of stupor as she looked at the scene, bringing out her fist as performed a spell - even as her mind remained elsewhere and she was still in her daze like state.

Rebekah smirked widely, pulling out the ring dagger from Hayley's back packet quickly and speeding to slash her immobilised aunt across the throat, blood splattering over her face as a result.

"This isn't over." Dahlia weakly choked out, even as she continued to gurgle on her own blood - her hand laying on her slit throat as she fell to the ground.

"On the contrary, Auntie, it very much is." Kol chuckled with a smirk as he stood by his younger sister and they both looked down at their slowly dying aunt.

"So, what is it you wanted to talk about?" Hayley smiled invitingly a few minutes later, Kol and Finn having taken Dahlias corpse elsewhere and Freya deciding to go with them.

Hayley tried her best to ignore the pounding of her heart as she stared at all of them, the realisation she'd come to her on her own deeply affecting how she was acting around them.

The siblings looked at one another before looking at Hayley. They'd just have to wait and see how this conversation would go..

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