Chapter sixty two

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"I hate people."

"That's probably the most relatable thing you've ever said."

Hayley and Kol grinned at each other cheekily and everyone else in the room groaned at the pair of troublemaking best friends.

"Can you guys just focus for one minute?" Marcel asked as he rubbed his forehead stressfully.

They had immediately taken into action when word got around that someone had tired to attack Finn, Camille and the kids ; only to find Hayley and Kol already at the scene and watching with crazed satisfaction as the garage which was near their homey cottage burned and the screams of the attackers died down as the flames consumed them.

"What's got your princess undies in a twist?" Kol asked with a dramatic roll of his eyes.

"I- maybe the fact that cami and Finn were literally just attacked by some brainwashed followers of a witch older than all of us! But no, sorry your majesty please continue to be immature while we have a serious problem at hand."

"Thank you." Kol grinned triumphantly only cowering back when he met Davina's steely glare from across the room.

"Simp." Hayley coughed out.

"Look who's talking." Kol retorted.

"I'm not a simp, people simp for me." Hayley smirked back.

Kol huffed and tried to find a clever response but ended up just childishly sticking his tongue out at her.

"Kol I will give the kids their nerf guns back, do not test me." Davina warned sincerely.

Kol froze in his place and his eyes immediately hazed over with a look of terror as he hurriedly nodded toward his girlfriend and kept his mouth tightly shut.

"He's having war flashbacks."

"Okay, Hayley I think it's past your bedtime." Klaus clapped his hands together lightly at he stood up and made his way over to the love of his life.

Hayley, however, merely raised an eyebrow at him in silent challenge ; he held her look for a few tense moments before releasing a defeated sigh as he sat down next to her and she nodded in satisfaction.

"Jesus, you are down bad." Davina cackled wickedly, seemingly getting over her past terrifyingly fierce anger.

Hayley winked at the Claire witch with a smirk on her face and she received a wink back.

"Now that we have established all the Mikaelsons are simps, let's get to planning this blue spirit things murder." Gia finally spoke up with her hands positioned on her hips.

The Mikaelsons made no movement to deny Gia's words.

"So we put the hollow in the vampires that you chose and then just kill then off. Boom. Job done. You're welcome."

"Okay, that sounds simple enough — when do we do it?" Marcel questioned with his arms tensely crossed over his chest. Don't get him wrong, he was all for lighthearted fun and jokes but after the attack on his family he was more tense than ever as he mutely battled his fear.

"Tomorrow. Hayley needs her rest." Rebekah interjected hastily as her lover began to open her mouth to answer the question. She didn't want to come off as overbearing but she was extremely worried for Hayley, it was clear she was either not sleeping well or at all.

As Hayley made a move to object, Elijah had already gently grabbed her around the waist and picked her up bridal style.

"My sister is right, dear, you need your sleep." Elijah spoke quietly — his thickly accented voice laced with pure worry for the woman in his arms.

"Sleep is for wimps." Hayley muttered — forcing her emerald eyes to stay open and on Elijah though she made no move to get out of his arms. His embrace made her feel secure and safe, it helped with the anxiety she refused to show but was definitely feeling.

Elijah only ignored her comment as he carried her to her bedroom. Everyone already going off to their select rooms — they had all chosen to stay the night, it would be safer for them all.

Once they arrived at the room, Elijah gently discarded Hayley of her wool cardigan and seeing as she was in her night clothes anyway he just tucked her in placing a loving kiss to her forehead and watching with a smile as she finally gave into the long awaited slumber and cuddled up into the blankets on her bed.

"Goodnight love." Elijah whispered his voice thick with nothing but eternal affection and love, ghosting a finger over her cheek as she unconsciously snuggled closer to his hand.

It seemed as though sleep quickly had its way with her, the steady beat of her heart and the content breaths passing through her naturally red tinted, full lips.

He took a second to admire her in all her beauty. She was wearing an oversized graphic t-shirt with a pair of comfy shorts that showed off her silky smooth, long legs. Her wavy brunette hair haphazardly lay across the plain white pillow and her tan skin was slightly paler than usual due to her lack of sleep. But nevertheless he still thought she was the most beautiful person he'd ever come across and he would die believing that.

Hastily, he removed his formal clothing and put on a simple pair of grey jogging bottoms —that Hayley had commented she'd liked — with a plain white shirt ; climbing into bed with her and being careful not to move her as he later down.

And just like when they first met, his heart still gave a little flustered jolt as their skin touched when she immediately cuddled into his side.

Before he shut his eyes, he thanked every god, saint and all holy beings that existed, for the fact he had met the wonder that was Hayley Marshall — the love of his enteral life.

He truly was the luckiest man on earth, in his opinion.

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