Chapter thirty two

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Hayley came out of the restroom, finally, after freshening up for a rather long time because a girls gotta look flawless while committing murder

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Hayley came out of the restroom, finally, after freshening up for a rather long time because a girls gotta look flawless while committing murder.

"Hi, can one of you lot get a vampire lackey to burn a certain corpse, please." Hayley requested as she walked up to the group she had left to act out her plan.

"Who did you kill now?" Marcel sighed out in exhaustion at he looked toward the pregnant she-wolf who uncaringly started back at him.

"One of Francesca's allies, he's in one of the kitchen cupboards now." Hayley responded as she took a sip of her non alcoholic beverage.

"I'll get Josh on it." Marcel said.

"What have I said about treating Josh like a slave." Hayley snapped protectively about her male best friend, her eyes narrowed dangerously into slits as she started the Gerard man.

"To not to do it if I don't want to get blended up like your morning smoothies." Marcel stated slowly, "I'll get Thierry on it."

"That's what I thought." Hayley nodded with a smile before she turned back to everyone else.

The party went rather quickly : people of all different species enjoying their time with one another, partying, dancing, snacking, drinking it was a blast and the people of New Orleans experienced genuine fun. But, all to quickly it was over and Hayley had a plan to put into action.

As people started exiting the party ; Hayley moved away from the snack table when she saw Francesca making her way to the door and with a simple flick of her wrist, Francesca fell unconscious to the floor.

Hayley used her magic to fly the bitch over to her and continued walking with her magically floating behind her until she found a suitable place to put her.

"And what exactly are we going to do with her?" Elijah asked as he took off his blazer jacket and rolled up his shirt sleeves, the action making Hayley flustered before she calmed herself down.

"Use her as bait for her brothers then kill all of them." Hayley stated simply as she started to chop of Francesca's hair for fun.

"You should give her a bowl cut." Kol suggested in plain amusement as he sat back and watched the pregnant wolf work.

"Good idea." Hayley nodded excitedly as she began to concentrate more on what she was actually doing to the unactivated werewolf's hair.

Francesca groaned out as she awoke an hour later from when she had fell unconscious and as her eyes blearily opened her heart jumped inside her chest when she met eyes with the Mikaelson brothers who all stood there staring her down.

" I got a mirror for when she-" Hayley started as she entered the room once more only to cut herself off upon seeing Francesca already awake. " oh lovely, your already awake."

"Why am I here and what do you want?" Francesca asked as her voice trembled even as she tried to keep it strong - being in the presence of one Mikealson was intimidating but all of them was just a whole other level.

" I'm tired so we're going to make this a quick thing. Your the bait for your brothers to come and rescue you. Then we're going to kill you all." Hayley shrugged nonchalantly.


"They're on their way now, sweets." Rebekah spoke as she entered the room, still in the dress she wore to the party.

"Brilliant." Hayley brightly smiled, showing off her pearly white teeth. "Did you get the katana i wanted to try?" She then asked excitedly, almost bouncing in her place.

" I did." Rebekah nodded as she pulled a katana from the duffle bag that she was carrying with her and handed it the pregnant werewolf.

"I'm in love." Hayley squealed lightly as she moved the katana expertly around : only increasing Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah's love for her but adding to Francescas fear.

"There here." Marcel said as he entered the room, chuckling at the bowl cut on the unactivated werewolf.

The Mikealsons immediately sped out of the room and before Hayley could even say anything, the undeniable tearing of limbs was heard and then the splatter of blood.

" I guess I'll take this bitch then." Hayley sighed sadly as she couldn't join in on the fun before she sliced off Francesca's head in one clean spin with her new katana.

Blood splattered on the white walls and Francesca's head rolled off of her body and onto the wooden ground.

" is it weird that I wanna put makeup on it." Hayley muttered as she kicked the detached head around like it were a football.

"Extremely." Marcel nodded.

Just then, the Mikaelsons all walked back into the room, minus Kol, Finn and Freya - their clothes now all bloody and their attires completely disheveled.

" you all look hot." Hayley bluntly said as she took in the bloodied attire on them : obviously she'd seen it in the show but in real life it really hit different and she suddenly felt very hot and bothered. "Well I'm tired night."

With that she gave a finger wave and walked her way up the stairs while swinging around the katana in many different shapes and patterns.

"Someone needs to clean the mess up." Rebekah brought up, breaking the silence that enveloped the room.

"I'll get my guys on it." Marcel said.

"Not young Joshua or you might end up on the wrong side of that katana." Klaus spoke up in amusement as he nodded his head over toward the decapitated body of Francesca.

"Not Josh. Got it." Marcel whispered as he paled at the thought of getting on Hayley's bad side before scurrying out of the room.

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