Chapter twenty two

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An hour and a half had passed and their makeover on the little witch had already been complete ; the both of them being speedy when it came to applying makeup

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An hour and a half had passed and their makeover on the little witch had already been complete ; the both of them being speedy when it came to applying makeup.

Davina stood in front of her full body length mirror, refraining from gaping at her own appearance. Her brunette hair was curled loosely and cascading down her back with a white flower crown on top of her head, her plump, full lips had a layer of ruby red gloss over them. She wore a plain white dress that reached her knees and made her look like a Princess, on her feet she had some nude coloured wedges that went well with the rest of her outfit. She looked truly gorgeous.

"Holy.." Davina muttered in disbelief staring at herself in the mirror. For the first time in a long time she felt beautiful and it was all thanks to her new found friends.

"Damn girl." Hayley whistled teasingly.

"Thank you." Davina said, spinning around to face the blonde Mikaelson female and the brunette Marshall werewolf.

"No problem, hun, we simply amplified your natural beauty." Hayley stated genuinely, "now.. let's go get your man."

Davina giggled as Hayley grabbed her hand a spun her around the attic and out of the door, Rebekah soon following after them and joining in on the fun by spinning both the girls around ; their bright, contagious laughter echoing off the walls of the church into the streets of New Orleans.

"Finally, I thought-" Kol halts mid sentence as he turned to face the newcomers.

His brown eyes instantly latched onto the little witch, his lips parting slightly as he takes in the marvellous sight before him. The newly dressed and dolled up Davina walks down the streets a smile on her face and the beaming sun shining down on her, illuminating her adorable features.

"Hello? Earth to Koala?" Hayley smirked slightly, waving her hand in front of his face to regain his attention away from the little witch who had yet to notice.

"You'd never come." Kol murmured.

"Well here we are, let's get this show on the road." Hayley suggested.

The Marshall wolf grabbed ahold of the blonde originals hand and the Claire witches hand, pulling them toward the entrance of cemetery where the ritual was to take place.

"Will this hurt?" Davina muttered quietly, she was more than willing to handle the pain to remove her connection to the ancestors and other witches who have only ever tried to harm her, but she'd at least like to know if she feel any sort of pain during the process.

"A little bit, Vina." Hayley responded honestly, she wasn't about to lie to the sweet kid who'd been in a similar situation to the current one and almost lost her life if it wasn't for Marcel and his lackeys.


Davina laid down on the cement floor, her brunette hair flowing elegantly around her in a halo style, her white dress, resembling purity and innocence, flowing out at the sides. Her eyes closed as she relaxed her posture and put her trust into Hayley Marshall who'd been more of a maternal figure in the past few hours than her mom had been in fifteen years.

"You ready hun?"


With one last reassuring hand squeeze, Hayley stood up in place, her hands in the air over the little witch, her own eyes closed as the people on the sidelines watched carefully and cautiously. Tilting her head back, Hayley started to chant quietly before her voice picked up in volume.

The wind whipped harshly around them, leaves flying away from their rightful places on trees due to the harshness, the brick of the cemetery rumbling ferociously. Blood began to drip from the Claire girls noise and she made a small sound of discomfort, her hand shook slightly at her sides as a red, yellowish translucent energy flowed from her fingertips and constructed a line with the cemetery's tombs before snapping in half, making the little witch emit another sound of discomfort before the translucent energy flew back into her and the rumbling of the cemetery stopped and the harsh winds calmed.

Hayley stumbled backwards as Davina's eyes fluttered open slowly like she had just awoke from a slumber.

Elijah immediately went over to the Marshall girl and steadied her. He had been here, waiting with his brother Kol for them to arrive and had been silently observing the scene with cautious eyes the entrie time.

"Woah, hiya suits." Hayley giggled sleepily as she leaned into the suited original who pulled her flush against him.

"Hello Hayley." Elijah smiled softly down at the girl as she leaned into his arms, resting her head comfortably against his chest, tucked securely into his embrace.

"I'm tired." She yawned, stretching out slightly, well, as much as she possibly could while in Elijah's strong arms.

"Then sleep." Elijah said gently, scooping the Marshall girl up bridal style as she immediately buried her head into the crook of his neck, her warm breaths tickling at his cold skin.

"M'Kay." She mumbled already half asleep, before falling completely asleep in his embrace that provided her with a sense of love, security and safety.

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