Chapter fifty four

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"I'm sorry, I'm struggling to stay calm when that vermin is a few feet away from me

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"I'm sorry, I'm struggling to stay calm when that vermin is a few feet away from me." Hayley hissed, downing her champagne as she ran a hand through her hair a glare set firmly on her face.

"We can deal with him later, dear, it's the twins birthday." Elijah reminded, putting an arm around Hayley's waist and pulling her into his side while pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"You're right." Hayley muttered, closing her eyes and relaxing her tense muscles in Elijah's embrace as he continued to massage her shoulders gently.

Lucien Castle stood at the end of the bar, his eyes sharply narrowed as he surveyed the scene around him. Everything seemed relatively normal which was a huge surprise to him, nothing was usually ever normal and mundane with the Mikaelson family.

He suspected it had something to do with the striking brunette with emerald eyes thought. Hayley Marshal or Andrea Labonair. Yes, he had done his research he'd be stupid not to - walking into a lions den with no knowledge on his predators.

He had learnt from his research that she was the mother of Niklaus Mikealson's miracle baby. Other than that, he picked up the basics on her life before she had even become aware of the supernatural. Perhaps he could manipulate her somehow into being on his side. She'd be a useful asset in his plans.

"Cooking up diabolical plans in that head of yours, are we?" Klaus suddenly questioned, his voice low and dangerous when he noticed who Lucien was looking at.

Lucien snapped out of his thoughts and plastered on a hopefully convicting smile, "Not are all, Klaus." He replied. "Though I was wondering who that lovely woman over there is?"

Oh lord he done fucked up. Whether he insulted or complimented or even simply mentioned Hayley, he fucked up anyway.

"Listen, Lucien, that 'woman' who you're referring to is mine. And I would appreciate it if you moved your misogynistic, beady eyes away from her before I tear them from your skull."

Lucien blinked and his eyes widened a fraction, quickly taking his gaze away from the she-wolf dressed in red. Needless to say the younger vampire was shocked by his sire's behaviour.

"See, it wasn't that hard now was it?"  Klaus smiled mockingly before he made his way away from Lucien and into the crowd.

"We have an announcement to make." Camille suddenly announced to the group, looking pale from her nerves. She and Finn had shown up just before the cake and a lot later than everyone else along with Freya and Keelin who for some reason looked positively ecstatic.

"Don't get shy on us now, Mille, what's wrong?" Hayley raised an eyebrow at her blonde friend with hidden concern in her emerald eyes.

"First off before you judge anyone or jump to conclusions I use my magic to help with this is it's one hundred percent possible." Freya stated  with a bright grin, only adding to everyone's confusion.

"I'm pregnant!"

In an instant, Kol spat out all of the alcohol that was in his mouth - successfully getting it over Davina who grimaced in disgust and anger that over took her shock.

"Kol Mikealson!" Davina exclaimed gesturing frantically down to her appearance - remains of alcohol clinging to her hair and dress.

"Sorry!" Kol squeaked out, his eyes widening at the full blown rage shining in his lovers eyes. "I love you?" He tried again.

"I love you too but this isn't over." Davina shook her head, snapping her fingers together and changing outfits with her magic before marching angrily over to Hayley who happily wrapped her arms around the witch in a friendly embrace.

"Congratulations..?" Gia tried to break the awful silence which had fallen upon them after Kol and Davina's lovers spat.

"Thank you." Finn stated breathily, clearly still dazed and in apparent disbelief. He'd always wanted a child of his own but he thought his mother had taken that opportunity away when she turned them into the undead creatures they were today. His mind was practically a haze of shock and disbelief - happiness too. A little family with Camille and their child slushes wonderful to him. The perfect dream. He didn't know how he'd managed to get so lucky.

"I'm so happy for you guys." Hayley squealed with excitement, wrapping Camille up in a hug first and kissing both of her cheeks before doing the same thing to Finn.

"Me too." Davina grinned, pulling the blonde human into a warm hug before doing the same to the Mikaelson man who had finally came out of his shocked daze.

"Congratulations brother." Klaus was surprisingly the first of the siblings to step forward, smiling softly at his eldest brother who smiled back and nodded in acknowledgement.

"Oh my lord how many fucking kids are the ladies in our lives going to pop out." Kol sighed over dramatically even as he smiled at his eldest brother who smiled back at him.

The dynamic between the siblings really had changed drastically since Hayley came into their lives.

"I'm happy for you Finn." Rebekah smiled gently, wrapping her eldest brother in a hug which he returned. She tried to ignore the twinge of sadness she felt that he got to have a child of his own while she would never get to have that. But the sadness was a lot less than she had originally expected, it probably had something to do with the fact she already her her little niece filling the role of daughter just fine.

"I wish you and Camille the best brother." Elijah stepped forward, smiling at his older brother who smiled back - Elijah's smile only grew when he saw the happiness etched into Finn's features and the clear love shining in his eyes. That's all he's ever wanted. His family to be whole and happy.

"Fuck, I've got a rat to chase down." Hayley said suddenly looking at Lucien who was making a swift exist, pressing a kiss to her lovers lips and everyone else's cheek she glided out of the compound and after the vampire.

"Are you chasing after her? She can handle herself."

"Oh I know. I just want to see the show."

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