Chapter fifty eight

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"You know what we need?" Hayley said, leaning against the kitchen counter, her phone in hand

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"You know what we need?" Hayley said, leaning against the kitchen counter, her phone in hand.

"What, beautiful?" Rebekah questioned, titling her head to the side as she gazed at the she-wolf with love sparkling brightly in her blue eyes.

"A vacation." Hayley replied, keeping her gaze on her phone as she and Kol had a meme battle over text.

"Tell you what, love? After we defeat this.. hollow thing we can have a family holiday wherever you like." Klaus suggested with a grin.

"Okay but warning in advance if any people try to make moves on you, heads and hearts are going to be flying." Hayley responded blandly.

"Same goes for you." Rebekah smirked, looking over at Hayley's phone from over her shoulder and rolling her eyes as her brother continued to spam her lover.

"Wait is that Kol?" Rebekah did a double take, looking at the variety of memes of her own brother, there was about over thirty of them all together.

Just as Hayley was about to respond they heard the door open, followed by footsteps and childlike squeals of excitement.

"Aunty Hayley!" The twins, Diana and Dominic, shouted happily as they wriggled around in their parents arms.

Rebekah openly gaped in offence as the twins ran toward Hayley who picked them both up and but them both on either side of her body with a smile.

Yeah, it was safe to say Hayley was their favourite aunt and favourite relative aside from their parents.

"The audacity for my own children to like you more than me!" Kol squawked in offence, shaking his head.

"What can I say? They have taste." Hayley shrugged with a smirk, kissing both of the twins' foreheads.

"I can't stand you sometimes." Kol jokingly shot back, a small pout on his lips as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Then kneel." Hayley retorted immediately with one eyebrow raised, the twins looking between their aunt and father with wide, curious eyes.

"Okay children." Davina shook her head, putting a hand on her boyfriends' chest as his mouth open and closed like a fish.

"Woah, Vina, I have one word.. Milf." Hayley smirked at the short brunette, whistling as she looked her up and down.

"Says you." Davina replied with a cheeky smile on her face, looking Hayley up and down with approving eyes before winking at her in a joking flirtatious manner.

Rebekah coughed loudly to regain her Hayley's attention, "And what about me?" She asked, her hands on her hips.

"You're my favourite Milf." Hayley smirked with a chuckle, placing a kiss on Rebekah's cheek.

"Ok yay fun love. Now why are we here?" Kol asked, still bitter that he lost the meme battle him and Hayley were having.

"Oh Freya and Keelin are coming over. They just texted that in our Milf groupchat." Hayley hummed, looking at her phone as the notification went through - Davina and Rebekah's phones also buzzing.

"And what about Gia?" Marcel asked, not even questioning the name of the groupchat because he already knew about it. Gia had tried to persuade the girls to let him into the group but that didn't end well.

"She's putting Aurelia to sleep." Davina responded this time. The girls all had an app where it showed everyone each other's schedules. For example, if Freya was out shopping she would put it into the schedule app - what time she was going to go etc - and all the girls would know where she was and what she was doing.

They also had an app that tracked each other's location so everyone would always know were they were and that they were safe.

"Gracey." Diana squealed as Freya and Keelin walked in with little Grace in Keelin's arms, already making grabby hands at her cousin.

Grace squealed back, also making grabby hands towards her favourite cousin. The two of them being the closest out of all of the kids.

Hayley stifled a laugh as a glare formed on Dominics baby face. He hadn't forgiven Grace for when she had stolen the last fruit shoot that he was already reaching for at the time. And the little man could hold a grudge like no other.

"At least I'm Aurelia's favourite Uncle." Kol huffed.

"No, Klaus is her favourite uncle."

"Oh fuck off!"

"Hey!" Davina snapped, glaring at her boyfriend who's eyes widened at the look of anger apparent in her eyes, "Not in front of the children."

"Yes Ma'am." Kol muttered, not wanting to anger her further.

"Oh she totally tops him." Hayley smirked broadly.

"Agreed." Keelin chuckled, normally inappropriate subjects weren't allowed around the kids but, hey? it's not like they understood.

"Can we not talk about my sex life!" Davina huffed annoyed, her cheeks turning red and no one was certain if it was embarrassment, anger or a normal blush.

"Honey, are you still getting some.. because you look proper stressed?" Hayley asked, tilting her head with a wince.  "Or is he just not doing it for you anymore?"

"Hayley Marshall!" Davina fumed.

"What? Oh was i right-"

"Okay." Marcel swiftly interrupted, clapping his hands together to remove the attention off of the two, "The plan?"

"Yeah if we could get to that."

"Okay, but Davina if i was right I know a shop tha-"

"Oh for fucks sake.."

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