Chapter thirty three

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"I don't have the energy to move but I want ice cream

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"I don't have the energy to move but I want ice cream." Hayley groaned out as she pushed her head further back into the plush pillows that lay on the sofa.

"Here you are, love." Klaus said as he immediately vamp sped to kitchen and retrieved the pregnant werewolf a bowl of chocolate ice cream.

"Oh my god, I love you." Hayley moaned out as she shovelled the chocolatey goodness into her mouth, closing her eyes in bliss.

Kol, who sat over in the other corner of the living, made a whipping motion and sound while snickering to himself. Never had ever seen his brother so whipped for anyone.

"Knock it off." Davina reprimanded as she coughed to hide her own laughs.

Davina practically lived at the compound now with the Mikealsons and they all didn't mind her presence in the slightest : her and Kol often switched from living in the compound to living in the apartment they bought and furnished which was opposite the compound.

Just then Finn walked into the room, almost glowing in happiness and an easy smile upon his features and he actually appeared to be relaxed.

"And whats got you so chipper?" Rebekah questioned as she made her way into the room, putting her hands on her hips and looking at her eldest brother in puzzling and suspicion.

"Myself and Camille have a.. date scheduled." Finn stated lightly as his smile widened into more of a mildly dreamy grin.

"You have a date?" Kol asked in shock as he sat upright in his seat with Davina tucked comfortably under his arm.

"And why is that so hard to believe?" Finn retorted with narrowed eyes at his little brother.

"Anyway." Hayley interjected so stop a potential argument, "speaking of Camille, we should probably take the dark objects back."

"Dark objects? My dark objects?" Kol almost shrieks as he immediately looks over at Hayley, all thoughts of insulting his brother vanishing from his mind within an instant.


"And where might we find them?" Elijah quizzed as he moved the book he was reading back to the shelf it belonged to.

"Father K's place." Hayley offered as she felt her eyes begin to droop. Damn you pregnancy fatigue.

"Rest, love, we'll handle this." Rebekah says softly as he runs her hands gently through the she-wolfs hair, smiling with Hayley unconsciously nuzzles into her touch.

"Mmm." Hayley barely hummed as her eyes slipped fully shut and she snuggled more into the couch, Rebekah wrapping a fuzzy blanket around her.

"Well, I believe our days are set." Klaus sighed as he sent one last lingering, longing look to Hayley's sleeping form before speeding off out of the room with his second eldest brother.

"You think a pregnant woman can play twister." Hayley asked as she got up from the sofa with a short yawn.

Three hours later, with Klaus and Elijah still gone, Hayley had woken up and definitely felt more energised than she had before her nap : and rather abruptly she decided to do the recommended exercises and such to induce labour because she was missing her skinny bod. Plus pregnancy was a bitch and so was the child inside of her.

"Absolutely not." Rebekah exclaimed as she snatched the game from the now pouting pregnant werewolf.

"I've got the birthing ball." Josh announced as he walked into the room, carrying Hayley's hot pink birthing ball overhead.

Josh had immediately arrived once Davina called him : amusedly and incredulously informing him that Hayley was trying to induce her labour, and all he knew was that he was not missing the birth of his best friend's baby.

"Are you sure you should do this?" Davina asked worriedly.

"Girl my due date is legit in a couple days, it's fine, and I'm tired of being fat." Hayley commented as she sat down on her birthing ball.

"Alright then." Davina sighed.

"Did you get everything?" Klaus questioned his brother as they walk out of Father Kieran's second home, placing the plethora of stacked boxes into the car they'd chosen to take.

"Yes, it appears there was more stuff than we anticipated." Elijah responded as the two of them made their way into the car, falling into a comfortable silence on their way back to the compound.

When Klaus and Elijah entered the compound they heard a shout, followed by more shouting and immediately sped towards the noise.

"FUCK!" Hayley cursed loudly with wide eyes as she stared down at the wet patch on the floor and everyone begun shouting.

"I've got your hospital bag!" Josh exclaimed as he ran toward his best friend and wrapped a arm around her wait, in case she needed help walking.

"Did you piss yourself?!"

"It's not piss, Kol, her water broke!"

"You are about to push a human out of you." Kol shrieked as he looked at the she-wolf with wide eyes of his own.

"I'm aware!" Hayley shouted back, groaning in pain as she felt a contraction and she leant into her male best friend's side.

" I got her snack bag."

" I'm getting the car loaded."

"I'm gonna be a dad." Klaus whispered as he stared at the various frantic people and the currently in pain Hayley : just now realising how emotionally unprepared he was for this.

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