Chapter thirty seven

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"I swear my hatred for our mother only grows by the minute, she's on a mission to kill Hope and forcing me to get my new heels muddy

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"I swear my hatred for our mother only grows by the minute, she's on a mission to kill Hope and forcing me to get my new heels muddy." Rebekah grumbled as she trudged through the Bayou with her siblings and Hayley.

"Compel yourself new ones." Kol deadpanned, snappier than usual without his little witch by his side.

"It just won't be the same." Rebekah sighed with an eye roll, looking down at her muddied pair of shoes with a sad look.

"Oh for god sakes, we have bigger issues." Klaus snaps irritably, almost letting out a groan of annoyance at his little sisters constant whining.

"Alright, no need to throw a hissy fit." Rebekah said, putting her hands up in a surrender motion as she walked in front of Klaus.

"Have you found her scent?" Elijah quizzed Klaus who had stopped, looking around cautiously.

"Remnants of it." Klaus replied as he walked over to where he had smelt the familiar scent, his siblings and the Marshall girl trailing closely behind him.

"Andrea!" Eve called out in what could be labelled as relief, as soon as she spotted the she-wolf walking toward their pack area with the Mikealson siblings.

"Are you okay, Evie bean?" Hayley asked as she saw the look of prominent pure stress that clouded in Eve's eyes.

"The Mikealson mother came here."

"So we can tell.. do you happen to know sje might be now, love?" Klaus questioned, taking a few threatening steps toward the platinum blonde unactivated werewolf.

"No, no she-she offered an alliance in return for moonlight rings.. which we already have." Eve supplied, taking a cautious step back as Hayley gave Klaus a reprimanding look.

"Did she just leave after that?" Freya inquired in puzzlement as she stared at the werewolf before her.

"No- um.. we actually need your help." Eve stated with clear urgency lacing her every word.

"With what?" Hayley asked with narrowed eyes, she did like Eve as a person but if it was a personal favour that could risk her life then she knew she wouldn't help - however, if it had something to do with murdering Esther then she'd more than happily oblige.

"Esther took some of our wolves as leverage and we know we wouldn't be able to take her on alone.."

"We'll help." Elijah decided after a silent conversation with his siblings, all whom agreed to help for their own benefit of finding Esther and hopefully smacking the bitches head off.

"Follow me." Eve requested as the initial shock and surprise had worn off, leading the siblings and her female alpha toward the group of worrying werewolves.

"Vampires? Vampires are you solution?" One of the werewolf's asked, scoffing loudly as all the other wolfs turned around to face Eve, Hayley and the Mikealsons.

"Okay we're not here to start fights, we only want to help." Hayley called out loudly, pulling all of the murmurs around them to a halt as they turned to stare at the emerald eyed she-wolf.

"Andrea?" Jackson Kenner questioned hesitantly, as he studied the girls immensely beautiful features and the way the Mikealsons gave all the pack hard stares, obviously insanely protective over the Labonair descendant.

"I go by Hayley now - but hiya." The Marshall waved casually, wanting to move along this interaction so she could go find and kill the Mikealson mother whom she despised deeply.

"If you lot could stop gawking and we could get to planning - that's be highly appreciated." Kol snapped feeling rather annoyed as he looked at how the wolfs examined Hayley in awe, the Marshall girl had become like another sister to him and he did obviously care about her.

Eve cleared her throat in an attempt to break the tension, "What is the plan then anyway?"

"Needed a break?" Rebekah quizzed Hayley as she found the Marshall girl sitting on a large rock, watching the lake in front of her.

"I did." Hayley admitted with a nod, feeling Rebekah sit down beside her, also looking out at her surroundings.

"What's wrong?" Rebekah asked curiously and worriedly, sensing the Marshall girls stress. Rebekah gently placed her hand on Hayley's knee, rubbing soothing circles with her thumb.

"It's just.. these wolfs look at me like I'm some sort of fucking god and there already so bloody dependent on me and-and they look up to me.. but I don't know how to be a leader! I'm not a good role model.. because, fuck, I am a shitty person. And-and I have a newborn daughter who I'm scared that I'm gonna fail and I'm going fuck up with my own trauma and the demons which I have that I can't fucking control. I-I just really don't want to fail her.."

"Oh, sweetheart." Rebekah sighed, "You are a good person, yes you've killed but we all have at some point and no one is perfect : so yes you have your flaws but don't your ever for a second think your going to a bad mother- I've seen the way you look at Hope, you love her more than your own life - and that in itself proves that you our a good mother, Hayley. You'll little girl will love you just as you love her, trust me."

Hayley sniffled silently, trying to hold back tears as she pulled Rebekah into a hug who immediately returned it with a smile.

"Thanks Bekah." Hayley whispered into the Mikaelson's neck, combing her hands through Rebekah's blonde hair.

"Your welcome love." Rebekah gently smiled, "Now let's go kill my mother."  She chucked a little as Hayley's eyes lit up once again.

"I'd love nothing more."

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