Chapter fifty two

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"Hi my little firefly

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"Hi my little firefly." Hayley cooed at daughter who giggled and clapped her small hands, looking up at her moment with wide, adorable blue eyes filled with unending adoration.

"My two favourite girls." Klaus grinned from the doorway of the nursery, looking at his lover and their daughter. He still didn't know how he got this lucky in life.

"Should I be offended Nicky." Rebekah pouted jokingly as she waltzed into the room, pressing a lingering kiss to Hayley's forehead as she handed her a baby bottle of milk for Hope.

"I think Lenore might take offence to that comment, Nik." Hayley mused, laughing heartily at the thought of the woman who had become that of a mother figure to them all.

"Nonsense she knows she's my third favourite." The Original Hybrid waved off nonchalantly, his lips pulling up into a smile as he thought about the woman he'd come to see as a mother, a maternal figure.

Rebekah dramatically gasped, placing a hand over her heart as she stared at her brother in mock offence and betrayal.

"I'm assuming I'm forth then?" Rebekah inquired with a head tilt, her pink lips in a dramatic pout - she looked sort of like an angry toddler.

"What? Don't be ridiculous. Freya's forth." Klaus shook his head in a false incredulous manner, swallowing down a comment and a laugh at his sister's expression.

"Well I'm fifth then." Rebekah shrugged with narrowed his at her brother, as if daring him to correct her but naturally he did.

"Davina's fifth."

"Sixth then."

"Keelin's sixth."

"Seventh then."

"Camille's seventh."

Rebekah's eyes flashed with anger and she threw the nearest thing at her brother - which just so happened to be the diaper bin.

Hayley, who'd been watching the two in amusement, cackled once she saw the object which Rebekah threw and the mess it caused.

"What is that god awful smell." Kol gagged as he walked into the room, before cracking up into hysterical laughter immediately upon seeing the situation. "Never mind, it's Nikloose."

"Oh my god." Davina bit her lip to stop laughter escaping from her throat, sneakily reaching for her camera and snapping silent photos - which the fuming hybrid didn't notice.

"Rebekah!" Klaus shouted angrily, the blonde in question looking up at her brother with wide eyes, speeding away immediately with him straight after her.

Hayley, Davina and Kol all looked at each other in silence for a few moments before they all burst into belly-shaking laughter, Hope giggling and clapping along with them obliviously.

"Please tell me you got photos." Hayley wheezed out, standing up and walking over to their pair with Hope hoisted up on her hip.

"You know it, Em." Davina grinned, using the nickname she'd made up not long ago. Seeing as Hayley had a nickname for her she found it fitting to get one for the werewolf, Em or Emmy were a use of the she-wolfs eye colour. Emerald. Davina thought it was a cute nickname.

"Into the photo album those go." Hayley nodded approvingly as she looked down at the photos, grinning back at Davina who winked cheekily.

Later on, Hayley sat with Hope on her lap in the living room. Elijah next to her with his arms tightly wrapped around her as they both enjoyed the tranquility.

"Hold on." Hayley said lightly as her phone rang, moving over to pick it up.

"Hey Evie Bean." Hayley smiled as she answered the phone, it been a while since she had spoken the platinum haired woman.

"Hi Hayley." Eve chuckled, her prominent smile being heard in her voice. Honestly, Eve hadn't really stopped smiling since she'd welcomed both Amaya and Erica into her life, the little ones providing her with an unending happiness that she didn't even realise was humanly possible.

"So.. what's up gorgeous?" Hayley questioned curiously, handing Hope over to Elijah who happily took her into his arms.

"Well.. um.. the twins birthday is coming up and I was hoping you would help me set up a party from them.."  Eve said her tone shifting from relaxed and happy to slightly nervous as she spoke.

After Eve took both of the girls in, the Mikaelsons and Hayley both made it their mission to find out everything about the twins, making sure they didn't have any allergies and what not. And it was honestly really easy, the crescent clan being a tight knit group where everyone knew everyone and they found out everything there was to know about the twins in a matter of hours. Including their birthday.

"Is that even a question? I'd be happy to help and I'm sure all the girls would as well." Hayley shrugged casually, smiling lightly when she heated Eve let out a breath of relief.

"Thank you Hayley."

"No problemo Evie bean."

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