Chapter sixty four

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"Are you ready, lovey?" Hayley asked tentatively as she looked over at Freya who, in response, firmly nodded her head

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"Are you ready, lovey?" Hayley asked tentatively as she looked over at Freya who, in response, firmly nodded her head.

"I can help if you want." Davina suggested lightly, she knew they could handle themselves perfectly fine and she —along with everyone else— had full faith in them but still the more power the easier it would be for them.

"Yeah, no." Kol immediately shut down as he wrapped a protective, if not slightly possessive, arm around Davina's waist — pulling her back flush into his chest. "I don't want you to get hurt, and it's not that I don't believe in your abilities. I'm just worried and I'm already worrying enough about my sisters."

"Okay." Davina blew out a hesitant breath before tipping her head back and kissing Kol swiftly on the lips. She wasn't one to back down, in fact she was incredibly stubborn, but she could both see and hear the genuine concern and worry he had already.

"Let's get this part started." Hayley cracked her knuckles, looking over to the side to wink at Freya before they both shut their eyes.

Faint choruses of 'be safe' were heard from the other people in the room who proceeded to exit to let Hayley and Freya do their thing.

The wind outside the property already picked up drastically, leaves blowing everywhere and trees whipping into the air mercilessly. A chill went down everyone's spines collectively as the temperature dropped, an eerie chill taking ahold of both the room where the magic was happening and the nearby areas.

The group of increasingly worried people from outside of the room snapped back into reality as what was the slight muttering of incantations picked up in volume until it was almost a shout over the harsh condition of the winds.

Camille buried herself into Finn's side, trying to get her mind of the nerves inside of her that were making her jittery and Finn was quick to wrap his arms around her and pepper feathery kisses to her cheeks in a attempt to distract both her and himself.

Davina had taken to squeezing Kol's hand so hard that he, even with his original vampire strength, swore that it might break — well he was being a tad dramatic but it was still a very tight grip. And Kol himself was uncharacteristically anxious and silent.

Rebekah, Klaus and Elijah were all nervous wrecks — though they hid it well. Rebekah was clenching her fits so tight her knuckles had turned a paper white colour and her leg gave a nervous twitch every so often. Klaus was pacing the length of the halls while pulling lightly at his dog tag necklaces and Elijah was tracing shapes on his hand to distract himself, something he had taken to doing as Hayley also did it to him in order to distract herself occasionally.

Keelin had made her way into the children's room, which they had placed a silencing spell on prior to this so the children wouldn't hear the commotion, and she was keeping all the children distracted though Hope seemed to catch on but she didn't say anything.

All anxiousness dissolved when the chanting stopped and a familiar cackle of victorious laughter filled everyone's ears — Rebekah being the first to bound into the room and almost ripping the door of its hinges, Elijah and Klaus following her footsteps rapidly.

Hayley was almost slammed back into the wall as someone zoomed into her, and she had to take a minute to regain her bearings before she looked down at the person who had squeezed her into an embrace and happily wrapped her arms around them in return.

"Hey, hey, I'm okay." Hayley soothed gently as she felt the apprehensive shake of Rebekah's hands that were currently wrapped around her waist.

"I love you." Rebekah kept repeating through kisses that she planted all over Hayley's face which consequently made the brunette erupt into a fit of laughter.

"I love you too." Hayley breathed back, taking the blonde's face into her face and slamming their lips together and Rebekah eagerly responded with a high amount of enthusiasm.

They were too caught up in the moment they didn't seem to realise that there were other people who had been worried sick and would also like to greet Hayley.

Before they could go further, as it looked they would, Rebekah was gently pulled away and Hayley was immediately pulled into another set of arms.

"You had everyone worried sick." Klaus spoke into Hayley's hair as he wrapped his arms tightly around her like he feared she would disappear at any moment.

"I don't understand why, I'm fully capable of taking care of myself. But I appreciate the concern either way." Hayley grinned.

"You're truly magnificent, love."

"I know.. but thanks for the ego boost."

Klaus fondly rolled his eyes with a gentle smile pulling at his lips as Hayley skipped over toward Elijah to greet him as well.

"Hi." She chirped happily like she hadn't just performed a extremely dangerous spell.

"Hello, my dear." Elijah sighed as he pulled her tight against him — soothing a hand through her wavy brunette hair and savouring in the way she melted into his hold.

"Hi." Hayley repeated once again, quieter this time as she settled into his arms comfortably and let out a blissful breath.

"We'll be okay now, right? No more threats.." Hayley spoke with a sleepy innocence as her eyes closed — clearly the spell had taken a toll on her energy.

"My dear, as long as we have each other. We'll be fine."

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