Chapter fifty seven

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Hayley Marshall smiled serenely as she looked at the twins, the two of them falling asleep almost immediately after she had finished telling one of the many bedtime tales

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Hayley Marshall smiled serenely as she looked at the twins, the two of them falling asleep almost immediately after she had finished telling one of the many bedtime tales.

"Aren't I just the luckiest woman alive." Rebekah hummed from the doorway, the genuinely happy smile ever present on her face as she looked at the love of her life and their child.

"Nonsense. That's me." Hayley retorted, standing up and walking toward the Mikaelson woman. The pair of them sharing a passionate, meaningful kiss.

"I love you." Rebekah whispered out, her blue eyes staring into Hayley's own emerald ones with such adoration and unconditional love that the she-wolf thought she might melt on the spot.

"I love you more." Hayley smiled softly, once again connecting their lips together, her hands tangling themselves throughout her lovers blonde locks of hair.

The brunette pulled back, resting her forehead on Rebekah's with a smile, the blonde mimicking her expression.

After all of the years they'd lived and rained hell (to put it lightly) on the world, the Mikaelson's had honestly lost all hope in themselves that they would ever be redeemed, some more than others. But, by some miracle - the brunette beauty managed to gather all the broken pieces of the vicious yet loving family and become the glue that held them together.

They loved her for it.

Some more than others.

The pair of lovers walked down the stairs, literally no gap of personal space between them and that was just how they liked it.

"And you say I hog her." Klaus said as he rolled his eyes playfully, walking down the steps with a smile on his face.

Klaus had probably changed the most out of all of the siblings. He used to bask in the fear which people felt when his name was uttered, used take pleasure in the pain of other people and the barriers around his heart used to to be up high and strong. He didn't let them down and he didn't let anyone in. But now, the list of people he cared about was getting increasingly larger. He let people in easier, and his beliefs on love had completely changed. Love wasn't a weakness to him anymore, in fact he used it as a weapon.

"You do." Rebekah shot back, her pink lips in a soft pout as she thought about the times her brother had quite literally stolen Hayley from her.

Hayley rolled her eyes fondly, tenderly removing herself from Rebekah's arms and walking over to the original hybrid, looping her arms around his neck and pulling him in from a sort of 'hello' kiss.

"How has my little wolf been?" Klaus asked once their kiss came to an end, curtesy of Rebekah clearing her throat obnoxiously loud.

"I've been great." Hayley shrugged, her words true. She'd really been enjoying her life over the years and she thanked whatever god that existed that she had this opportunity to be here.

Their moment was interrupted as Marcel and Elijah walked into the room, the younger one of the two looking completely serious which was a contrast to his usually playful behaviour they'd all grown to love.

"What's wrong?" Rebekah asked worriedly, feeling Hayley intertwine their hands and give hers a squeeze of reassurance, one which she returned.

Instead of answering, Marcel pulled out his phone and passed it to Hayley who took it with apparent confusion in her striking emerald eyes.

"Have any idea what this is?" Marcel questioned tensely as he zoomed in on the pattern that was on the wall, one which he had taken a photo of, a image looking like a serpent eating its own tail.

"Oh for fucks sake." Hayley groaned, throwing her head back as she realised what was happening.

Couldn't a girl just get some fucking peace? Was that too much to ask for!

"What is it?" Elijah asked, the worry in his eyes working against his stoic expression as he moved closer to the woman he loved.

"The Hollow."

"The what now?"

Hayley sighed, rubbing her forehead. No, she wasn't scared - she didn't really need to be. For starters the hollow hadn't even been resurrected yet and secondly they were literally the most powerful family in the world anyway. But she did have a plan just in case.

"I need some strong alcohol if I'm gonna be explaining this shit."

"Should we call everyone over?"

"I don't wanna be dealing with a grumpy tired Davina so I think I'll pass."

"I second that statement."

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