Chapter thirty four

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Tapping was heard as the people outside the hospital room paced relentlessly, their hands with firm grips on steaming coffees of which they hoped would ease their nerves

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Tapping was heard as the people outside the hospital room paced relentlessly, their hands with firm grips on steaming coffees of which they hoped would ease their nerves. The bright light of the hospital shon down on the people who anxiously waited : their never slowly wearing down on their composure.

Suddenly the groans and shouts of pain that could be heard from inside the hospital room where replaced with a muted sigh of relief as loud cries erupted from the room instead.

The posture of the people outdoors instantly straightened up having heard the shrill cry of a baby.

" hi there." Klaus whispered practically inaudibly as he tenderly took ahold of his newborn daughter, the compelled midwifes leaving the room as soon as the baby had been born.

Klaus stared down at his newly born child in complete shock and awe, watching as she blearily blinked her adorable blue eyes, which were identical to his, up at him.

He truly never thought it was possible to love another person as much as the love he felt for his daughter the minute she was placed in his arms. He knew in that moment more than ever that he'd do absolutely anything to protect the small child in his arms and her stunning mother.

"Can we come in?!" Rebekah shouted eagerly from outside the door, she didn't want to intrude on her brothers moment with his daughter but she certainly wanted to meet her niece and check on the she-wolf.

"You can." Klaus softly confirmed as he gently rocked his daughter in his arms who turned and cuddled more into his chest.

Immediately the door opened and several feet padded in doors, hushed voices being heard but Klaus kept his attention solely on his daughter.

" oh she's perfect Nik." Rebekah gushed immediately upon catching sight of her niece who blinked her blue eyes up at her aunt and smiled toothlessly.

" she certainly is a beauty." Elijah agreed wholeheartedly as he started down with adoration at his niece, her eyes a slipping image of her father but her light brown hair and the sparkle in her eyes showing resemblance to her mother.

" well she is my daughter, after all." Hayley yawned as she awoke, having shortly fallen asleep from exhaustion : her eyes immediately finding their way to the bundled up baby in Klaus's arms.

The Original Hybrid instantly gave the newborn over to her mother and in response the baby cooed happily, making everyone in the room smile.

Hayley looked down at the baby with a genuine smile and love swirling deep in her emerald eyes. She never thought that she'd ever love another person as much as she did the child in her arms, hell she never even thought she'd have children - ever. But she just knew that she'd chose her child above everyone and everything else, doing everything to keep her safe - no matter the cost.

" what should we name her?" Rebekah quizzed gently as she kept her eyes on the adorable baby who she knew she was going to spoil rotten.

" Hope, Hope Lauren Mikealson." Hayley offered, tributing the last name to her past life and her past name.

" it's a beautiful name." Finn agreed and everyone else nodded with smiles slowly forming on their faces as they all looked down at the newborn with love and adoration.

" Hope Lauren Mikealson." Klaus whispers as he moved to stand by Hayley, the pair of them looking down at their bundled up daughter with overwhelming strong love.

Davina smiled to herself as she took out her newly bought Polaroid camera and took a picture of the adorable mother, father, daughter trio. Making a mental note to put this into their ever growing photo album.

" family photo." Kol announced suddenly as he saw the camera, taking it and ushering everyone over - getting everyone around Hayley in the hospital bed and a bundled up Hope and taking various photos in different positions. The room full of laughs and happy smiles as they interact like a normal family.

None of them aware of the newly awaken Mikaelson witch who just rose from the dead, channeling the power from the birth of the Mikealson miracle baby.

Boy where they in for a surprise...

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