Chapter forty seven

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Four months had passed by

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Four months had passed by. Four peaceful months filled with wholesome moments and nothing but happiness and bliss on everyones behalf.

Hope was now one year old and a bit, and she was so fucking cute everyone just wanted to squeeze her little chubby cheeks when they saw her. She started walking already and though he wouldn't admit it klaus did in fact cry as he watched his daughter walk for the first time and Hayley got photo proof of it. She said her first word as well, guess what it was? Dada. Hayley was not even pissed because it was so utterly adorable and the look of happiness and tears of joy from klaus melted her heart. God, klaus swore he's cried more than he has in his entire immortal life because of his child.

Marcel and his lady friend - Gia - had moved into a house close by the compound but not too close. Oh yeah, when Hayley discovered his unnamed lady friend to be Gia, she full on squealed. The two of them were so adorable.

Surprisingly, Ansel also met someone. Shocker, I know. Her name was Lenore and Hayley almost shrieked when they met in person for the first time, it was the older witch who Esther body snatched in the show. But, the two of them were proper suited for one another and everyone was happy for them. The two of them also moved out, wanting privacy but they visited extremely frequently because the both of them were like parents to everyone.

Camille and Finn were still going really strong, the both them content in their relationship which they knew would last and everyone was certain that the pair of them were soulmates. They still lived in the compound with everyone else, wanting to stay as close to their family as possible : however, they did have a place nearby the compound which they could use if they wanted more private time with one another.

Davina and Kol were also still going strong, the pair of them were genuinely made for each other - that much everyone could tell. The both of them went back and forth between their own apartment and the compound - spending most of their nights and time in the compound but for more private time they went to their shared apartment.

Freya had also met someone a female werewolf - Keelin - and Hayley was a tad surprised as Keelin wouldn't have been introduced into the show yet but it was a pleasant surprise, she knew that Keelin would make Freya happy and that's would the Mikaelson witch deserved.

The two of them had been officially dating for a month and the both of them were really happy in their relationship and everyone approved of Keelin. They were still living in the compound as well, but much like the others they had their own house they could go to in they wanted.

Now, probably one of the biggest things.. Hayley, Elijah, Klaus and Rebekah were in fact in a polyamorous relationship (the siblings are only with Hayley, not each other)! This didn't come as a shock to anyone as they'd already predicted it, they were just glad that said Mikaelsons would stop hopelessly pining after a clueless Hayley. As soon as they got together everyone started telling the she-wolf how they'd been in love with her since like.. forever and how she was so clueless.

Life has been extremely good for them for the past four months.

"You do know she can walk, Nik." Hayley laughed as she walked down the stairs, seeing The Original Hybrid with their daughter hoisted up on his hip.

"I know, but do I care? No." Klaus shrugs with a slight smirk as he meets the she-wolf half way and gives her a soft, loving kiss.

"Oi! Stop hogging her." Rebekah pouts over dramatically as she makes her way into the room, wrapping her arms and Hayley's waist from behind as the brunette leans into her.

"I've only just greeted her." Klaus huffs out, rolling his eyes at his little sister. You'd think he or his favourite brother would be the most possessive but Rebekah definitely rivalled their possessiveness over the she-wolf.

"Then who's been hogging her all day?" Rebekah pouts further, peppering light kisses to the bare skin of Hayley's collarbone.

"That would be me." Elijah mused with a smirk tugging on his lips as he makes his way down the stairs, straightening out his blazer jacket.

The conversation is abruptly cut short as the smell of human blood enters all of their senses, making them all stand up straighter.

"What the bloody hell?" Rebekah mutters as she opens the door, looking down at the dead human body - the girls wrists slit as she lays down on a pile of lavender, a letter next to her.

"Roses are red, lavender is blue, come find me before I find you." Elijah read out as he picked up the letter off of the pile of lavender, looking down at it in distaste.


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