Chapter twenty seven

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Freya Mikaelson shot forward and inhaled deeply before she exhaled sharply, running her hands through her long tangled blonde hair and patting down the black dress the adorned her body

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Freya Mikaelson shot forward and inhaled deeply before she exhaled sharply, running her hands through her long tangled blonde hair and patting down the black dress the adorned her body.

"Freya?" Finn asked cautiously, watching as she checked herself over and over out of genuine pure confusion about the situation she found herself in.

The eldest mikaelson sibling jumped, startled at the sudden voice yet she felt a wave of familiarity and recognition flow throughout her.

Turning her head she came face to face with a sight she had only ever imagined, her siblings all surrounding, yet giving her space to breathe, looking at her with various degrees of concern.

"Freya?" Finn repeated once more, watching as his elder sisters eyes completely glaze over with tears that she refused to let drop.

Almost immediately the eldest mikaelson sibling jumped up and into her best friend/brothers arms, seemingly forgetting entirely about her stiff joints from being locked in the coffin for so long, as she clung into him tightly and tears dropped from her eyes.

"I've missed you Finn." Freya murmured quietly as she remained attached to her brother, her voice hoarse from lack of using it over her years incapable of doing so.

"I have missed you more, Freya." Finn muttered back to her, wrapping his arms around her tightly like he was scared she was going to disappear from his grasp.

"Ah, Finn don't be greedy, let us meet our long lost elder sister." Kol's cheeky voice remarked, breaking the touching sibling moment that the two eldest mikaelson siblings were previously having.

"You had to go and ruin that adorable moment." Hayley sighed even as she slapped Kol round the back of the head in reprimand. Finn and Freya were barely given any proper screen time and their relationship was honestly the cutest, like, she could cry.

Freya anxiously looked at her other siblings before confusedly gazing at the gorgeous pregnant woman who stood with them.

"That is Hayley Marshall, werewolf alpha and the mother of your niece." Finn informed, seeing his elder sister gaze at Hayley in puzzlement. It was clear he was the person who Freya currently felt most comfortable with, though no one could blame her.

"Niece?!" Freya exclaimed in shock and fear, vivid, frightening memories of Dahlia flashing within her mind no matter how much she tried, and failed, to block them out.

"Niklaus's child." Finn nodded. "Do not worry sister we have a way to defeat Dahlia once and for all."

"How?" Freya questioned, fear still evident in her eyes, where Mikael had been the monster in the other mikaelson's stories, terrorising and hunting them down to the ends of the earth, Dahlia had been the malicious villain in Freya's own story.

"Blood of the person who hurt her most, soil from her homeland and Viking ashes. We have all of it." Finn calmed his elder, favourite, sister and gave her a reassuring, comforting smile.

"I'll be free of her?" Freya muttered quietly, more so to herself than the others but they heard her all the same.

"Yes, yes you will." Finn nodded in agreement.

For the first time in centuries, a wide beautiful smile spread upon her lips and she laughed in relief, hugging her brother tightly once more, her blindingly stunning smile still in place on her face.

"So now can we greet our Disney tale of a sister?" Kol asked a tad sarcastically as he watched the two of his eldest siblings reunite contently.

"Hold on, you watch Disney?" Hayley grinned, tilting her head to the side in question, the thought alone amusing her. The big bad psycho original, loving a bit of Disney.

Kol's eyes widened and he hastily turned toward the pregnant werewolf, "what- pfft no."  He tried to play it of with a wave of his hand.

"Mhm." Hayley hummed in disbelief with a twinkle of pure amusement dancing in her emerald eyes.

"Lovely to meet you Freya." Rebekah started awkwardly, truly, and understandably, not knowing how to properly interact with her sister who she thought had died of the plague.

Before the awkwardness could continue, Freya pulled her younger sister into a loving embrace, soothing her hands through her little sister long blonde hair that was similar to her own, only lighter.

Rebekah immediately hugged back, savouring the warmth and comfort the hug brought to her ; she was genuinely glad to have a sister, the amount of males in the family for over a thousand years was getting increasingly annoying.

Freya then moved onto her half-brother wrapping him up in a tight hug, even though she knew hugging definitely was not his thing, at all.

Klaus grimaced slightly and with quite a bit of hesitation he wrapped his arms around her as well, surprised when he actually enjoyed the hug and the natural human, comforting warmth his elder sister provided.

After getting the initial, rather awkward, greetings over with, the family fell into a silence that wasn't awkward but it wasn't really comfortable.

"Why don't we watch Disney." Haley grinned cheekily at the family, succeeding in breaking the deadly silence and the tension.

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