Chapter twenty eight

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"Come on." Davina urged as she tugged her adoptive father's hand, leading him toward the chosen meeting place the Mikealson's would like to meet the Gerard vampire in.

It had been two weeks. Freya had managed to settle into the new world with the help of her siblings whom she had been bonding with. They had been working to locate Dahlia's coffin so they could kill her while she was in her incapacitated state : considering they've already had the weapon needed for her murder made and ready to use.

Davina and Kol had a sort of relationship going on.. it was complicated : Kol really liked the little witch and his feelings possibly even came close to love and he was really scared, so like a coward he chose to run from his own feelings which then led Davina into thinking she didn't mean anything serious to him, which seriously broke her heart and she was currently refusing to talk or even look at him. It was a mess.

Davina still technically lived in the church attic, she just went out all the time to the Mikaelsons when Marcel wasn't around which was basically all the time, or they would occasionally come to her.

On top of that, Freya and Hayley with Davina watching over them in case they needed any more assistance, brought back both Finn and Kol officially so instead of them being 'ghosts' in a way - the both of them were now fully alive and breathing and whatnot. And even though Davina refused to speak to Kol at the minute it didn't mean she wouldn't help him and his brother. She still cared about him, it was impossible to deny.

"Are you sure about this, D?" Marcel asked worriedly as they approached their destination. She had only just told him about the ritual which unlinked her from the ancestors that the pregnant woman, Hayley, he had briefly seen had done and he was more than surprised but also extremely grateful. And Davina explained that the Mikealson's would like to try for peace in the city of New Orleans, so reluctantly with Davina's persuasion Marcel agreed to meet them.

"Absolutely." Davina nodded firmly and led her father figure into the empty, aside from the Mikealson's, bar.

"Vina!" Hayley squealed, immediately jumping off of her seat with slight difficulty and fast walking, kinda waddling, over toward the adorable little witch and engulfing her in a hug.

"Hayley!" Davina back as a instant reaction to the she-wolf's presence as she immediately melted into the hug wrapped her own arms around Hayley, being mindful of her growing baby bump.

Marcel watched the interaction between the two and couldn't help but smile slightly, it was good to see Davina happy and to actually act her young age for once in her life.

"Hi Marcel I'm-"

"Hayley, i know and thank you for what you did for Davina, I really appreciate it." Marcel said genuinely, shaking the pregnant woman's outstretched hand.

"Ah, it was nothing, she's a great kid and she doesn't deserve anything that's happened to her." Hayley stated honestly, looking over at the teenage witch and sending her a soft smile which was returned.

"Let's get to the meaning of this gathering then." Klaus said from his seat at the table with his family. "We simply want 50/50 rule of New Orleans with you, working side by side. After all it is our city."

Marcel held back on making a snappy comment as he saw Davina's looked and sighed, "and what's in it for me?"

"Protection, Companionship, a strong Alliance.. Leaving with your head still in tact." Klaus listed.

Marcel gulped as fear slowly began to swallow up his emotions, "you've got yourself a deal."

"Fantastic." The original hybrid grinned broadly, clearly proud of the outcome of this situation but everyone in the room knowing he would have got his way one way or another.

"Who's the blonde?" Marcel asked as he nodded his head towards Freya who sat next to Finn in a pair of dark denim jeans with a dark green off the shoulder top and some chunk combat boots, her dirty blonde hair left to flow down and her face bare of makeup.

"Long lost sister." Kol answered shortly. Oddly enough him and Freya had really bonded, and he had become increasingly protective over her from the time he had actually gotten to know her as a person.

Marcel's eyebrows raised in surprise and shock, he knew that the Mikaelson family had a lot going on but they genuinely seemed to be pulling surprises and plot twists and out of their asses, like damn.

"Oh! I have something for the both of you." Hayley exclaimed as she waddled slightly over to retrieve her bag and when she did she pulled out two plastic tiaras.

"One for you.. and one for you." Hayley grinned as she handed both Klaus and Marcel a plastic tiara each, Marcel's had green fur on it and Klaus's had blue fur.

"I'm not putting this monstrosity o-"

Klaus's compliant pulled to a halt as he made eye contact with Hayley's widened, pleading emerald eyes and he practically melted on the spot. Grumbling under his breath as he put on the tiara along with Marcel.

Kol wheezed for breath as he looked at his half-brother in a plastic tiara with a grumpy expression plastered on his face.

"Say co kings of New Orleans." Hayley cheered as she snapped a picture with the flash on of the pair of grown ass immortal men in plastic tiaras.

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