Chapter sixty three

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"Morning." Hayley mumbled with a sleepy but genuine smile resting on her lips as she opened her eyes and turned to face Elijah — who had already been awake and had taken to gazing at her with love and adoration instead of waking her up.

"Morning, dear." Elijah smiled gently back, softly stroking his hands through the strands of Hayley's hair which were closest to him as they both lay in each others arms.

"How are you feeling today?" Elijah questioned quietly breaking the comfortable silence that the two of them had fallen into.

"Refreshed, better." Hayley admitted with a sheepish grin as Elijah sent her 'I told you so but I'm not going to say it and make you feel bad' look.

Any response was cut off when the fire alarm that was down in the kitchen went off and both of them jumped completely startled as they rushed down the stairs to the commotion.







Quickly, Hayley pressed a button she'd installed — after an incident had occurred — to off the fire alarm and she coughed as she wafted the smoke that was filling up the kitchen with one arm.




"Everyone shut up!" Hayley exclaimed loudly and with enough authority that everyone in the kitchen paused. "What in the name of hades happened?"

"Kol decided, oh why not a ride a bloody scooter round in the kitchen, and he fucking bumped into the oven — bare in mind he has supernatural strength!" Davina shouted completely disbelieving. "And the pizza me and Keelin were going to share was in the fucking oven!"

"Kol what is it with you and scooters?" Hayley asked in disbelief though her eyes shon with laughter and the smoke in the room died down gradually.

"They have some sort of grudge against me like Jesus, what did I do to you?" Kol scoffed as he looked at the bright red scooter on the kitchen floor in disdain.

"Hello! My pizza!?" Davina shrieked as she waved her hands frantically looking on both the verge of tears and screaming simultaneously.

"Umm kol why don't you go order fast food. Whatever Vina wants." Hayley suggested looking partly amused and concerned at the same time.

Kol hurriedly nodded and scurried out of then room rapidly, practically scared for his life at that moment in time.

"Nik?" Hayley asked as she spotted the hybrid calmly in the living room, sipping on a cup of tea as she gently manoeuvred a frustrated and mildly sleep deprived Davina to lay down on one of the sofas.

"Yes love." Klaus replied serenely as he looked up at her with a unconditional love in his bright blue eyes.

"We need a new oven."

"I figured."

• • •

"Ugh, I love you." Davina grinned in delight as she hungrily snacked on a slice of pizza. Kol had ordered about three large pizzas, two boxes of garlic bread and a unbelievable arrange of sauces to appease the woman he loved.

"I love you too." Kol smiled entirely pleased.

"I wasn't talking to you." She briefly scowled before continuing to much on her pizza happily and in her own little peaceful bubble.

"Ouch." Klaus mockingly winced and his younger brother shot him a scathing glare before going back to his silent pouting.

"Where's my witchy lover and her hot werewolf  side piece?" Hayley suddenly strutted into the room and picked up a piece of garlic bread as she went.


"Right here." An amused Freya announced as she walked in with an equally as amused Keelin by her side.

"Freya, darling, you look as stunning as always." Hayley grinned in a faux charming manner as she took the blonde witch into a friendly embrace.

She wasn't lying though Freya did looking stunning, per usual. She'd cut her blonde her to just below her shoulders recently and today said hair was in beach waves. The blonde was wearing a pair of black leggings, a cropped white tank top, a leather jacket and a pair a doc martens with two thin chain silver necklaces around her neck.

"Not as stunning as you." Freya grinned cheekily sending Hayley a playful wink as they pulled apart from their hug.

"If you're done flirting with the love of my life, sister, please do tell us the plan to save us from impending doom." Klaus interrupted their playfully flirtatious banter with a slight warning undertone to his voice.

"I was getting to it." Freya rolled her eyes slightly in annoyance and Keelin smirked in amusement from beside her.

"Alright here's what we're going to do, so obviously we have the... scarifies to be used and all we need to do is conjure up the hollow — transport it inside the sacrifices, split up equally so it's more effective. Then we simply kill the infected vampires. That should do it. And it's better if we use more of the less powerful ones because the hollow thrives entirely off power and we do not under any circumstances want to give it what it wants."

"Sounds like a plan."

a/n :
im honestly not even sure if that method would work in eradicating the hollow.. but this is a fanfic.. so let's pretend.

thanks ;)

I'm merely going off of the logic that klaus and Elijah were both killed with the hollow in them and with that the hollow died so I'm assuming it would work with anyone or multiple someones..?

I could definitely be wrong but I don't see another way of removing the hollow.

so that's what is happening :)
okay, that's all.

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