Chapter fifty six

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Time had flown be faster than anyone imagined it would

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Time had flown be faster than anyone imagined it would. Seven years had gone by, seven calm years with no tragedies only miracles and happiness. It's safe to say these past seven years the Mikaelsons had genuinely been enjoying their lives instead of gearing up for possible enemy attacks or always looking behind them and covering their tracks.

In those seven years, life changing events occurred. Ones that brought happiness though instead of the expected depressing life changing events.

The birth of Sean Ashton Mikaelson and Calliope Ella Mikaelson happened. The twins which Camille had turned out to be carrying. It wasn't much of a surprise though seeing as Camille herself was a twin. Cami decided to dedicate her child's name to her own deceased twin brother and of course Finn was fully on board with that idea - ever the supportive significant other.

When the twins were a year old, everyone enjoying watching them grown up - something unexpected but pleasantly welcomed happened.

Hayley got pregnant. Again. Only this time it wasn't by Klaus it was in fact by Elijah, a fact which was learned when they did a spell to get more answers. Lenore admitted that she was the one who cast the spell so that Elijah could impregnate Hayley - saying he too deserved a chance at fatherhood. And the noble Mikaelson actually shed tears as he hugged and thanked the older witch who merely waved him off with a smile.

Rebekah's sadness and jealousy became more apparent to everyone and with her further heightened emotions because of the pregnancy Hayley was even less okay with that. The she-wolf confronted her lover who finally let loose all her emotions and told Hayley.

Hayley understood and was determined to find a solution which was exactly what she did. The two mom method. Basically, one of them had to give an egg/eggs that would be mixed in a lab dish with the donor sperm, then that egg would implanted in the other one of them who carried the pregnancy.

The both of them understood that sperm was literally needed to create a child, or so they thought - but magic works wonders. After restless searching for a solution, Lenore finally found one. Seeing as Rebekah was the one who wanted to carry the pregnancy anyway and Hayley was already pregnant that's what they did. With the use of intense magic, Lenore managed to mix both Hayley's genetics with Rebekah's genetics and after many failed attempts, she finally managed to created an embryo with two women. Literally making scientific - well, magic history.

Both women were overjoyed seeing as the initial idea of a sperm donor was unappealing to the both of them. Rebekah full on cried happy tears when she heard the faint heartbeat in her own womb. Lenore was definitely one of her favourite people now.

Then, nine months later. Eloise Charlotte Mikaelson was born - Hayley and Elijah's child. And, Allison Gabriella Mikaelson was born, Rebekah and Hayley's child.

The kids meant the world to their parents, seeing as they didn't believe that they would ever be able to have children after turning into vampires.

With Hope, Eloise and Allison - Hayley had straight up told her lovers that was enough children for now. Not that she didn't love her children, she loved them more than anything but she just wasn't feeling going through the whole pregnancy thing again and lucky her lovers understood, saying they were perfectly content with the children they had now and it was her body her choice anyway.

With the babies, baby fever came for everyone else and later they all had children. Marcel and Gia were the first to give into baby fever, Gia later birthing a gorgeous chubby baby named Aurelia Summer Mikaelson, since Marcel had officially changed his last name back to Mikaelson.

Davina got pregnant with Kol's child not long after the birth of Aurelia, same with Keelin and Freya. Davina gave birth to twins - surprisingly - a boy and girl, two healthy babies named Diana Adelaide Mikaelson and Dominic Lucas Mikaelson. Kol was scared shitless and actually fainted while Davina was giving birth.. but he was happy nonetheless.

Freya gave birth to one girl, Grace Clementine Mikaelson. Freya was frightened, due to her last pregnancy which ended terribly but Keelin was there to hold her tight and reassure her, the blonde honestly didn't know what she would do without her girlfriend.

This was normal for the Mikaelsons, to have a big family seeing as there was six of them when they grew up (seven if Freya was not taken) but their beloveds were having a hard time keeping track with how big their growing family was.

That was enough kids though. Hayley had already told her lovers she didn't think they'd have any more children and they were fine with that, same with Camille and Finn. Davina and Kol were more than likely not going to have another child, ever, their current babies already being a handful. And Freya and Keelin were open to the idea of more kids.

Beside the pregnancies, Hayley was now a full fledge tribrid. Having asked to be turned after she had given birth to Eloise, and fortunately yet surprisingly she didn't loose her magical abilities. Keelin was now also a hybrid, being turned after Grace was born and Freya had placed a immortality spell on herself, Davina doing the same thing - the both of them valuing their magic to much to lose it when they turn.

So, yes, the seven years had been busy.. yet peaceful in a sense. No fights had been fought, no deaths had occurred and everyone was happy.

Should have known it wouldn't last forever.

"Mom!" A eight year old Hope squealed as she ran over to her mother as fast as her little legs could take her.

"Hi my little firefly." Hayley chuckled adoringly as she got on her knees to be at her daughters level, wrapping her arms around the young girl who happily hugged back.

"No fair, I want mommy's hugs." Allison pouted dramatically as she stomped over to them, her arms crossed over her chest.

"You can have them, my lovely." The she-wolf smiled softly at her youngest daughter, her expression reminding the mother so much of both her and her blonde girlfriend.

"Yay!" Allison squealed in excitement, launching herself into her mother's awaiting arms with a wide and adorable smile, miserable pout long gone.

"Look at you patiently waiting." Hayley smiled wider when her daughter with dark brown hair came into view, Eloise being by far the most patient of the three girls.

Hayley stood up and picked up her and Elijah's daughter, jokingly throwing the young girl up into the air and catching her as the girl screamed in joy while giggling, all of their joyous laughs echoing around the compound.

Not aware of the conspiring witch who lurked outside the protective barrier with a evil look on his face, ready to follow his masters orders at any cost.

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