Hello Stranger | KaiHun

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Third Person's POV

On the 23rd of July, a bunch of police officers we're roaming around the village searching for one person and that person's name was Oh Sehun or was better known as Sehun, the rule breaker in the city.

It has been an hour since the police officers searched the area and yet they still hadn't found the man, so they decided to change routes and move to the other village in case he was there.

Inside the abandoned building, there hides Oh Sehun who let out a sigh of relief when he saw the police pass by and had not seen him. He groaned in agony as he leaned his head against the wall for a short while and straightened his hood before limping out of the abandoned building clutching his abdomen.

Struggling to walk straight and properly, he suddenly bumped into someone which prompted him to collapse into that stranger's arms.

The stranger who caught him awkwardly shook the person awake only to be rewarded by silence. The stranger repeatedly patted his cheek hoping to get him to open his eyes, not knowing that the stranger had a wound that caused his unconscious state.

"Umm... " The stranger started. The man groaned in pain. The stranger looked at his abdomen and gasped, finally noticing the gruesome wound.

"Why didn't I notice this earlier?" The stranger said who happens to be a guy, he rushes frantically and tries to carry the stranger who happened to weighed heavier than him.

" I think I need to bring you to the hospital. " He muttered more to his selft than to the man. Pulling out his phone from his jean pocket to call the ambulance but his wrist was then gripped by a strong hand as the half-awoken stranger stopped him from doing so.

" No, please d-don't bring me to the hospital, just bring me somewhere else. " He groaned in pain before passing out again.

3 weeks later....

Kai's POV

He was peacefully sleeping on my couch. I silently observed the mysterious man. And quietly mumbled " He looks cute. " I continued to ogle at his face as I slowly lift my hands and tapped his nose which caused him to wake up.

I immediately stood up from the floor and cleared my throat. He weakly chuckled at me. " I could practically feel you ogling me even when I'm asleep. I guess I'm just too handsome not to be stared at." He smirked at me, making my heart skip a beat.

"Ha ha ha, yeah right. Handsome your face." I said with sarcasm as I rolled my eyes before moving towards the kitchen to grab a glass of water and went back to him. He accepted it and mumbled a thanks.

" Are you feeling better now? " I asked him, he shifted his position and wince in pain.

" yeah.... Thanks " he croaked and drank the glass of water.

" I'm Kim Jongin by the way but you can call me Kai. You've been out for 3 weeks and... " I trailed off.

" Kai. " He said and gosh did I mention how beautiful his eyes were. I was about to speak when my doorbell rang. We both looked at the door and look at each other.

" umm... I need to look who it is first. " I said and look at the peep hole and gasped. I run back to the living room where Sehun was and dragged him to my closet and hides all the first aid kits. He curiously looks at me.

" you need to hide here until my dad went out." I said and lock the closet and straightened my shirt and opened the door.

" what took you so long? " My father asked and went to sit in my couch where Sehun was lying dow for the past 3 weeks. I then grabbed a glass of water in the kitchen.

" uhm.... I was just a little bit of lazy to open the door. " I excused and faked laugh. My father chuckled and ruffled my hair when I sat beside him.

" What are you doing here by the way dad? " I asked my father who was blankly staring at the tv. " oh... I just want to check if your ok while there is a culprit on the run. " My father said.

" oh.. I'm totally fine here dad. " I said a little bit louder. My dad looks at me bewildered by my loud voice and gets something from his pocket and handed the paper to me.

I stared at the paper and gasped at what was written on it. Meanwhile in the closet Sehun was peacefully sleeping again due to his wound, after my dad's sudden visit, I stared at the closet and took a deep breath.

Third Persons's POV

On the 4th of October, Sehun was finally caught by the police, Kai's father I mean. Since the day that he visited his son he noticed a blood on the couch, that Kai didn't notice and so he was right.

While the police where dragging Sehun to the police car, he then realized that he was deeply falling for the guy who changed his life but he didn't confess his feelings because he was afraid, he'll get rejected.

Kai on the other hand was sipping his tea, while staring at the foggy window. Thinking the same thing.

5 years later.....

On the 6th of September, Oh Sehun breathed in the fresh air and sighed. He was finally free and his case was finally cleared because he was found guilty. He straightened his bag and went to the house of his first love.

When he arrived there, he was sad when he heard the news, apparently Kai had moved out of that house 3 years ago said the new owner, He thanked the new border and walk in the cold streets of New York City.

When he was still locked in the cell, his mind was only thinking about him. He didn't bother visiting him because he was afraid that he won't love him back. So he decided to keep his feelings to the stranger who stole his heart. It was a slow mo moment when they bump into each other again and they stared at each other in shock neither of them doesn't speak.

" Sehun? " He shockingly said. Sehun smiled and hugged him which caught Kai off guard but he eventually give in and hugged him back. They broke off the hug and Sehun cleared his throat.

" Kai-ah I hope I'm not late in telling you about my feelings. " Sehun said and grabbed his hand. Kai blushed and smiled.

" Kai, I like you since the day I first met you. And I want to thank you for saving me that day. Can we start over again? " Sehun asks Kai nervously.

" Yes Sehun.. " he said and Sehun smiled and introduce himself again.

" I'm Oh Sehun in short Sehun and you are? " he said.

" Kim Jongin. Kai for short " He said. The both of them smiled at each other.

The two dated for months and turned to years and the day finally came from the two. They were happily married and they were blessed with 2 children.

A few years later

Kai's POV

I gasped when I feel arms on my waist but eventually smiled. It's been a year since we got married and our relationship lasted a month and a year though.

" What are you thinking jagiya? " My husband said. I leaned in to his touch.

" Just reminiscing our memories and I'm blessed to be with you and to our babies. " I said. He then turned me around but still his hands were on my waist.

" Like what? "

" The day I met the stranger who stole my heart which happens to be a criminal on the loose. " I said. He chuckled.

" But looked at us now. Were married,got a stable job and blessed with 2 children. Thank you for accepting my heart Kai. " Sehun said and kissed his my lips, we both separate when we heard our son complaining, we both laughed and enjoy our day.

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