I'll Be There | MarkMin

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" Where am I ? " Jaemin groaned as his eyes scanned his surroundings while standing up he dusted off himself. He started walking around the place and realized he was in an abandoned building, he had a lot of questions running in his head.

Why I am here ? I was just at my papa's art studio.

He rubbed his arms when he felt the cold air hit him. He caught a figure on the ground, his eyes widened and he immediately ran towards him, his doctor instinct came in.

" Sir ? Sir are you alright ? Can you hear me ? " He said while trying to find some pulse on the guy who was lying on the ground. He sighed in relief when he feels a faint one. He then tried to inspect his wounds that are bleeding.

Just then the guy started breathing heavily, causing Jaemin to look in horror he then tore the guy's polo shirt open and gasped when he saw the man's situation.

" I think its pneumothorax. Oh my ghad, I may not be able to perform surgery yet, But this needs to be pierced for it to be stop spreading.  " He said to himself while finding something in his pockets.

The guy continued breathing heavily and Jaemin was nervous while finding a pen, he successfully feels a pen in his pockets. He immediately throws the contents and broke it. He was about to pierce it but stops midway. 

" I'll be sued once he dies. Oh my ghad. I don't want him to die. Ahh here it goes... " Jaemin said and stabbed him with the pen, that caused the guy to look at him in the eyes.

The both of them stared at each other for a minute and the guy fell back in the ground unconscious. Jaemin then tries to find the guy's phone and he then scans the password which is fingerprint. He immediately goes to the call logs and instantly call the one in the recent one.

Mark ?! Where are you ?! I've been calling you for an hour already! 

Please send an ambulance here.

Who are you?! Wait what happen to him ?

I found him unconscious here. We are here in a abandoned building, I don't know the exact location of this place. I have done some first aid on him please send a doctor right away.

Shit. I'll be on my way..

The call ended and Jaemin waited for the ambulance. While he often checks the unconscious guy every once in a while. A few minutes later he heard sirens and he sigh in relief. A man came running towards them and kneeled down. He looks at Jaemin cautiously.

" Are you the one who called me ? " He curiously asked.

" Yes I am. " The man nodded his head and the medical staffs then arrives, they then inspect the unconscious guy and transferred him to the stretcher. They wheeled him to the ambulance car and Jeno was about to follow him but stops.

" Thanks for your help. Uh Mr... " He said and Jaemin took out his wallet and handed the man his card. Jeno studied it and walked away. Jaemin was left their standing and at the corner he saw a sign that says

to be continued

He tilted his head at the side and his eyes widened. But before he can speak he was suddenly back at his papa's workplace.

" Sir. Your papa has updated the manga, but the update is strange. " Hendery informed and I looked at him.

" H-how many hours have a gone ? " I asked him.

" Sir ? I just left this room a while ago. You've been here in the room for 30 mins sir. " He said while scratching his head. I looked at him with wide eyes. I went outside of papa's room and directly went to the computer.

" Let me see the episode for today Yangyang. " He nodded his head and showed me the episode today. As I scrolled the manga, I covered my mouth as I saw the scene a while ago.

Just then the guy started breathing heavily, causing Jaemin to look in horror he then tore the guy's polo shirt open and gasped when he saw the man's situation.

" I think its pneumothorax. Oh my ghad, I may not be able to perform surgery yet, But this needs to be pierced for it to be stop spreading.  " He said to himself while finding something in his pockets.

" The plot is crazy if I may add sir. " Hendery commented while I was stunned at my seat.

" What's happening ?! Why am I in the manga ? " I immediately stand while clutching my hair in fear.

" Wait I'll try to call dad. " I immediately dialed my dad and after a few rings he finally answered.

Dad where are you ? Is papa with you right now ?

I'm at work Jaemin-ah, and I've never heard about your papa for a while now. Is there something wrong son?

Dad, papa's been gone for an hour now, that's what his co-workers said. And-and suddenly dad, I was in the manga, I treat the leads wounds and I just came back here.

What ? Did you meet the main lead ? Jaemin-ah. This isn't good. You'll be a character their once the lead is finding you. Let me see the episodes for a minute.

While waiting for my dad's reply on the comments, I scrolled through the manga and as I reached the scene where Mark The lead of the manga I'll Be There was now awake and holding the card that I have gave to Jeno.

Where are you Jaemin ?

My eyes widened when my name was on the text, I cover my mouth and gasped. I then heard a intake of breath in the other line and wait for my dad's reply.

Jaemin? This isn't good.

Dad what would I do ??

I don't know Jaemin, I'll try to look on what to do. Call me when papa comes home okay? And Jaemin whenever you are summon their you should be aware of the time lapses.

Okay dad, I understand.

The call then ended and I decided to leave and told them to call me when papa is home. When I was inside the car, I clench my hands in the steering wheel and whined.

" I can't believe I just entered the manga. "

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