Protect You | MarkMin

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In a bustling city, the sun was setting, casting a warm golden glow across the skyline. Jaemin, a diligent medical student with a passion for photography, adjusted his camera settings as he stood on a rooftop, waiting for the subject of his latest assignment. He had been tasked to capture candid shots of Spider-Man, the city's enigmatic hero.

As Jaemin peered through his camera lens, he noticed Spider-Man swinging gracefully between buildings, his red and blue suit standing out against the urban backdrop. Jaemin's heart raced with excitement as he snapped photos of Spider-Man in action, capturing the web-slinger's incredible acrobatics.

Meanwhile, across town, Mark Lee, a dedicated engineering student, carefully balanced his double life as a superhero and a student everyday. With the setting sun as his backdrop, Mark donned his Spider-Man suit, concealing his true identity behind the mask. He swung from one skyscraper to another, his agility and strength on full display.

Back on the rooftop, Jaemin couldn't help but be in awe of the superhero's bravery and determination in helping. He continued to take pictures, each click of the camera capturing a moment of Spider-Man's heroics. Little did he know, the secret Mark had been keeping was about to unravel today.

As Spider-Man swung closer to Jaemin's location, a piece of webbing accidentally brushed against the edge of the rooftop. Startled, Spider-Man landed with a graceful thud, looking around cautiously. Jaemin's heart raced as he realized the Spider-Man was just a few feet away from him.

" Is someone up there?" Spider-Man's voice was tinged with curiosity, his masked eyes scanning the area. Jaemin's mind raced, torn between staying hidden and revealing himself.

Taking a deep breath, Jaemin stepped out from his hiding spot, his camera still in hand. " Hi, I'm Jaemin and uhm.." he said, his voice trembling slightly. "I'm a photographer... I was asked by my boss to take pictures of Spider-Man."

Spider-Man turned his attention to Jaemin, his mask hiding any surprise he might have felt. "A photographer, huh? Well, I suppose one more person knowing my identity won't hurt."

Jaemin's eyes widened as Spider-Man removed his mask, revealing the familiar face of his boyfriend, Mark. Shock and realization washed over Jaemin as he stared at Mark, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Mark? You're... you're Spider-Man?" Jaemin stammered, his mind struggling to process the revelation.

Mark smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. "Surprise? I wanted to keep you safe, Jaemin. That's why I never told you about me being Spider-Man because I know how worried you are for me."

Tears welled up in Jaemin's eyes as he took in the truth. He dropped his camera onto the rooftop and rushed forward, wrapping his arms around Mark in a tight embrace.

" Of course, I would be worried with you, that's explans why you came to our dates late and vanished. Didn't think you noticed I've seen this stacks of foundations on our bathroom. Your bruises are see clear you know. Your such an idiot. You should have told me," Jaemin whispered, his voice filled with a mixture of emotions. "I know, and I'm sorry, hmmm " Mark replied, holding Jaemin close to him.

" I wanted to protect you, but I realize now that keeping secrets isn't the way to do it and I'm sorry for ditching our dates."

" who cares about that. " Jaemin pouted and Mark laughed. " I love you, Jaemin.." he said and Jaemin blushed.

" I love you too.. " Jaemin said and cupped Mark's face as he kissed him on the lips, Mark smiled as they kissed.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the couple stood on the rooftop, their hearts and secrets laid bare. The camera lay forgotten, but the photos Jaemin had captured that day would forever tell the story of Spider-Man's true identity and the love that bound two extraordinary lives together.

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