Start Over Again | MarkHyuck

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Lee Donghyuck walks hand in hand with his lively three-year-old son, Lee Minhyuck, towards the supermarket. They laugh and talk, enjoying their special time together. As they approach the entrance, Minhyuck's eyes light up at the sight of a Spiderman plushie displayed nearby.

" Daddy, look! Spiderman! " Minhyuck excitedly said and Donghyuck smiles warmly at his son's excitement.

" It's cool, isn't it? We can take a look at it after we finish our shopping, okay? " he said smiling to Minhyuck who nods eagerly, but as they step inside the supermarket, his attention remains fixated on the plushie. In a moment of curiosity, Minhyuck slips his tiny hand out of his father's grasp and dashes towards the toy section.

" Minhyuck? Minhyuck, where are you? " he noticed and got worried.

Donghyuck's heart starts to race with panic as he frantically searches through the supermarket, calling out his son's name. Fear grips him as he realizes that Minhyuck is nowhere to be seen.

" Has anyone seen a little boy, three years old, with curly hair, wearing a blue shirt and jeans? " he panicked.

Customers and employees join the search, but Minhyuck remains elusive. " Please, if anyone finds him... " he nervously said.

Suddenly, Donghyuck spots someone familiar across the store. It's Lee Minhyung, his ex-boyfriend whom he left without a word three years ago. Lee Minhyung has Minhyuck's hand in his, concern etched on his face.

" Donghyuck? Is this your son? " Minhyung asked and looks at Donghyuck. Donghyuck rushes towards them, his heart still racing, but relief washes over him when he sees Minhyuck safe and sound.

" Minhyuck, thank goodness you're okay! I was so worried."

" Daddy, look! Spiderman! " minhyuck excitedly pointed at the plushie.

Donghyuck glances at Minhyung, feeling a mix of emotions. He left Minhyung without a word, and now he's faced with his past and the consequences of his actions.

" Uhmm I happened to just passed by and I happen to find him wandering near these spiderman toys. I didn't know he was your son. " he said concerned " Thank you, Minhyung. I... I should've told you about him. Our son. " Donghyuck softly said.

" Why didn't you? " Minhyung said trying to understand Donghyuck, he want to get angry but hold himself and asked the reason. He have missed 3 years with them.

" I was scared and confused, and I didn't know how to handle it. I thought it was best to leave without a trace. " Donghyuck regretfully said and looked at their son.

Minhyuck tugs at both their hands, his innocent smile bridging the gap between them. He holds out the Spiderman plushie to Donghyuck and then to Minhyung, as if asking them to hold it together.

Daddies, hold Spiderman! " Minhyuck adorably said both Donghyuck and Minhyung shared a small smile, feeling the significance of their son's innocent gesture.

" Maybe... maybe we can give it a try. " Donghyuck softly said. " I'd like that. " Minhyung sincerely said.

As they walk out of the supermarket, Donghyuck, Minhyuck, and Minhyung start to rebuild their broken past. They may have a long way to go, but with love, forgiveness, and their son's guiding innocence, there is hope for a complete and happy family once more.

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