Love Conquered All Obstacles | MarkNo

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In the midst of a raging war against the neighboring territories, Crowned Prince Lee Minhyung found himself anxiously awaiting news of his beloved, General Lee Jeno. They had been deeply in love for years, but the demands of their positions often kept them apart. Yet, their hearts remained steadfastly entwined.

As the days stretched on, Minhyung's heart grew heavier with worry, unable to focus on anything other than thoughts of Jeno's safety. Then, one evening, a messenger rushed into the palace, bringing news of Jeno's return. Relief washed over Minhyung, and without a moment's hesitation, he hurried to Jeno's quarters.

Upon reaching the room, Minhyung found Jeno lying on a simple bed, battered and injured, but alive. The sight of his love in such a state brought a mix of emotions to Minhyung's heart – relief at Jeno's survival, sorrow for his pain, and a deep yearning to be by his side.

Minhyung spent every waking moment by Jeno's side, nursing him back to health. He tended to his wounds, held his hand through the restless nights, and whispered words of love and encouragement, hoping that they would reach Jeno even in his unconscious state.

Days turned into weeks, and finally, the moment Minhyung had been praying for arrived. Jeno's eyelids fluttered, and he groggily opened his eyes to find Minhyung's concerned gaze fixed upon him.

"Minhyung?" Jeno's voice was weak, but filled with warmth at the sight of his lover.

"Jeno! Thank the heavens you're awake," Minhyung said, his heart swelling with joy. "You had us all so worried."

Jeno managed a faint smile, "I'll be fine, Min. Thanks to you."

Minhyung's eyes glistened with unshed tears as he cupped Jeno's cheek tenderly. "I love you, Jeno. I can't bear the thought of losing you. Please promise me that you'll take care in battles."

"I promise," Jeno replied, his voice filled with sincerity. "But, Minhyung, there's something else I need to say."

Minhyung's heart skipped a beat, wondering what could be so important at a time like this. "What is it?"

"I can't bear the thought of being apart from you any longer," Jeno said, his eyes locking with Minhyung's. "Life is too uncertain, and I don't want to waste another moment without you by my side. Crowned Prince Lee Minhyung, will you do me the honor of becoming my husband?"

Minhyung's breath caught in his throat, stunned by the unexpected proposal. But his heart soared with elation, and a wide smile spread across his face. "Yes, Jeno, a thousand times yes! I love you, and I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you."

Jeno's face lit up, and despite his weakened state, he managed to pull Minhyung close into a tender embrace. "I love you too, Min. I can't wait to be your husband."

In that moment, surrounded by the aftermath of war, their love conquered all obstacles, and they made a vow to each other. Their love story had taken a path they never anticipated, but they were ready to face the future together, united in love and the promise of a lifetime by each other's side.

In the palace gardens, surrounded by the beauty of blooming flowers and the gentle breeze, Crowned Prince Lee Minhyung and General Lee Jeno found a moment of peace amidst their royal duties and responsibilities. They were now happily married, having overcome the challenges that once stood in the way of their love, and their joy was amplified by the presence of their twin children, Lee Mino and Lee Hyungmin.

Sitting together on a rustic wooden bench, Minhyung and Jeno looked into each other's eyes, their hands interlaced, a silent testament to the love that had endured and grown over the years.

"Can you believe it's been five years since we first confessed our feelings?" Minhyung asked, a soft smile gracing his lips as he recalled their journey.

Jeno chuckled, his eyes sparkling with affection. "Time has flown by, hasn't it? I still remember that day like it was yesterday, how nervous and uncertain I was about telling you how I felt."

Minhyung squeezed Jeno's hand gently, "And I remember thinking that I could never love anyone as deeply as I loved you. You've brought so much light and love into my life, Jeno."

They fell into a comfortable silence, reminiscing about the moments that had shaped their love story. From secret glances during council meetings to stolen moments in the palace gardens, their memories painted a vivid picture of their journey from friendship to love.

"Remember when we first introduced each other to our families?" Jeno asked with a chuckle.

Minhyung laughed, "Oh, how nervous we were! But they all embraced us with open arms, and it only made our bond stronger."

Their conversation soon turned to their children, Mino and Hyungmin, who were playing nearby under the watchful eye of their caretaker. Mino, with his father's warm smile and curious nature, and Hyungmin, with his mother's mischievous spirit and infectious laughter, were the embodiment of the love that Minhyung and Jeno shared.

"I can't believe how fast they've grown," Jeno said, his eyes filled with pride. "Mino is already showing an interest in books and learning, just like you, Min. And Hyungmin has this adventurous spirit that always keeps us on our toes."

"They're the best of both of us," Minhyung replied, his heart swelling with love for their children. "I'm so grateful for every moment we get to spend with them."

As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the palace, Minhyung rested his head on Jeno's shoulder, and Jeno wrapped his arm around Minhyung's waist, pulling him closer.

"We've come so far, haven't we?" Minhyung said, his voice filled with contentment.

"Yes, and I wouldn't change a single moment of it," Jeno replied, pressing a soft kiss on Minhyung's forehead.

In that peaceful moment, surrounded by love, laughter, and the joy of their family, Crowned Prince Lee Minhyung and General Lee Jeno found solace in the memories of their past and hope for a future filled with love and happiness for them and their precious twins.

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