Blue Wave | MarkMin

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The sky turns orange and pink as the sun sets behind Canada's downtown skyline. N Jaemin stands on a rooftop, camera in hand, waiting for his subject. A light breeze ruffles his hair as he adjusts his camera settings, his heart beating with excitement. A shadowy figure appears on a nearby rooftop, and Jaemin's heart skips a beat as Spider-Man swings into view.

" Here we go...  Jaemin.. " he whispered and readied himself to take pictures of Spider-Man.

Jaemin's camera lens captures Spider-Man's dynamic movements as he jumps and swings fluidly from building to building. Every shot he takes demonstrates Spider-Man's agility and drive. After a sequence of spectacular acrobatics, Spider-Man arrives on the rooftop where Jaemin stands.

" How's it going, Mr. photographer?" Spider-Man asks, striking a posture. He can't help but smile behind the mask because this is his lover, who has no idea that it is him behind the mask.

" Amazing, Spider-Man. These shots are going to be incredible for the article we're about to publish. " Jaemin said, and Spider-Man couldn't help but laugh at his lover's comments. " That's great to hear, and I appreciate you taking the time to do this." Jaemin keeps taking pictures of Spider-Man in various stances against the backdrop of the city lights.

" So, Spider-Man, what's it like swinging through the city like this? " Jaemin  curiously asked Spider-Man who thoughtfully answered.

" It's exhilarating, you know? The feeling of freedom, of being able to help people from above. But it's not always easy. There's a lot of responsibility that comes with it. "

" I can imagine. It must be tough juggling your everyday life with being a hero. " Jaemin nods as he glanced at spiderman.

" Yeah, it can be a challenge. But I've got a great support system, and that makes all the difference. " Spider-Man sighed.

" I wish I could tell you who I really am, love, but I can't risk putting you in danger. " He wanted to say more, but he just let his gaze drift away, as if lost in contemplation. Na Jaemin takes advantage of the chance to take a candid image that conveys a touch of vulnerability beneath the mask.

" Got it. This shot is going to show a different side of you Spider-Man. " Jaemin smiled and showed Spider-Man the photograph he shot, who couldn't help but be happy of his boyfriend, who has always excelled in this field. His lover manages his time effectively as a med tech student and part-time photographer in a publishing company.

Spider-Man is the city's hero, and behind the mask is Mark Lee, a normal engineering student who was often seated in the back of the class and there he met Jaemin on one minor subject he had, and he can't help but fall in love with Jaemin's charms and gorgeous face. They've been dating for a few years. 

" You're pretty skilled behind that camera. You know how to capture the essence of a moment. " Behind his mask, he smirked and
Jaemin lowers his camera after a while, content with the photos he's captured so far..

" I think we've got some amazing shots, Spider-Man; these will make a great article. " Jaemin added happily. Spider-Man gives a nod " Thank you, Jaemin; you did an excellent job; I can't wait to see the photos you took today in the newspaper."

" It was an honor. Oh, and if you ever need some good pictures to take again, don't hesitate to call me, Spider-Man. " Jaemin grinned and bowed gave a salute who returned it " Will do. Stay safe out here, Criminals are out lurking by this time, Mr. Photographer. "

Spider-Man leaps off the rooftop and swings away, disappearing into the night, with a final wave. He came to a halt someplace and cast a brief glimpse at his lover, who was standing nearby. Jaemin then packs up his camera when Spider-Man disappeared from his sight. Jaemin sense a filled of accomplishment and joy.

The living area is dimly lit later that evening, creating a warm and friendly atmosphere. Jaemin sits on the couch, his laptop open, reviewing the Spider-Man photos he took earlier. The room is filled with the sound of a gentle breeze rustling through the open window.

The window curtains flutter, and Spider-Man swings through the window, landing with a thump on the floor. His outfit is ripped, and he appears to be harmed. Jaemin rushes up from the couch, his eyes wide with surprise.

" Oh my god! Spider-Man? " Jaemin gasped and Spider-Man struggles to his feet, wincing in pain. He raises a gloved hand as if to reassure Jaemin.

" Hey there... uhm mind if I crash here for a bit? Sorry for scaring you like that, I just really don't want to go the hospital because my identity will be exposed. "

" Of course not! What happened? You're hurt! " Jaemin hastily said and Spider-Man groans softly as he takes off his mask, revealing his lover's familiar face. Jaemin's shock turns to worry as he cupped his cheeks.

" Oh My God! Mark?!  sit down. sit down. Let me take a look at those injuries you have. " Jaemin gently said. Mark winces as he gingerly sits on the couch.

" I can't believe your Spider-Man. You probably are smiling behind that mask of yours when I took your photos a while ago. how come I didn't notice your Spider-Man..gosh... " Mark chuckles weakly at his lover as he listened to his rants.

" I guess even heroes have their bad days. " Mark grinned at his lover but groaned when he felt Jaemin poke his injure cheeks.

" Bad day is an understatement, Mr. Lee.  You're bleeding! You should be at the hospital not on me who is still a student amd this isn't on my field. " He said concerned and retrieves the first aid kit in their kitchen and begins tending to Mark's wounds, his touch gentle and careful.

" Ah, easy there. I promise I'm tougher than I look. " Mark winced in pain and Jaemin look at him sternly. " Tough or not, you need to take care of yourself. What happened out there ? "

" Just your usual villain-of-the-week trying to make a name for themselves. " Mark sighed and Jaemin gave his lover a worried look. " You should have called for backup. You can't handle everything on your own. I know your Spider-Man but you don't have a healing power.  "

" Well, I've got my own personal nurse at home,  don't I? " Mark smirk at his lover who give him a playful glare, but his worry remains evident.

" Mark, I know you want to help people, but you can't keep putting yourself in danger like this. " Jaemin softly said.

" I know, Jaemin. But I can't stand by and do nothing when I have the power to make a difference. " Mark said in a serious tone and watches Jaemin finished patching up his wounds, he looks into his lover's eyes, his expression a mix of concern, love, and determination.

" Just promise me you'll be more careful next time. I can't bear the thought of losing you especially that your Spider-Man. "

" I promise. And you know what? Having you waiting for me at home gives me even more reason to make it back in one piece. " Mark said tenderly and reaches out, gently cupping Jaemin's cheek with his hand. Their eyes meet, conveying the depth of their emotions.

" Thank you for being here for me, Jaemin. " Mark whispered and Jaemin whispered back. " Always, Mark. I love you. "

They share a heartfelt smile, their bond unbreakable even in the face of danger and uncertainty.

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